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Friday, April 25, 2014

Addiction. Disconnected from Life's Source

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Disconnected from Life's Source

Addictions are notoriously difficult to deal with and work through. Strategies that advocate simple solutions such as just say no, just get up and exercise, or just do something, often fall short of understanding the problem or providing the kind of helpful support that would contribute to dealing with addiction. Surely everyone knows that exercises contributes to health, lessens depression and supports working through addiction. Yet, for one who is trapped in one of these downward spirals, the act getting up to exercise is oftentimes not simple at all. Some experience this inability to be motivated as a feeling of being disconnected from whatever it is that produces life's energy and the addiction, whatever form it may be in, may be a way of compensating for the feeling of disconnection.

Spirituality, among other things, may be thought of as being aware of your connection to that life source, by whatever name it is known. Spiritual practices then are the activities you engage in to strengthen the awareness of that connection, such as meditation, prayer, selfless service, and charitable contribution, for example. These activities, like exercise, generally contribute to feeling better and generate healthy energy and optimistic attitudes. Yet, these activities can be equally as difficult to begin as exercises are for one who is struggling with addiction.

Gentle Steps To Reconnect

A gentle place to support whatever strategy is being used to deal with addiction is self-talk. Affirmative self-talk, also known as affirmations, is accessible and usable anywhere, and at any time because it takes place, often silently, in your own mind. David Straker on his Changing Minds website writes that "Repetition can also lead to understanding, as it gives time for the penny to drop. What at first may be strange, after repeated exposure become clear and understandable."
When said over and over again, simple affirmative phrases become normalized through familiarity and we become more likely to accept them. With gentle, silent repetition of affirmative phrases, you may well recreate the feeling of connection to life's source and support yourself in taking either the first or the next step through and out of addiction.

To be powerful, they must be believable

The practice of affirmative self-talk does not replace any existing strategy or treatment; rather, in collaboration with your health care professional, affirmative self-talk can become a cherished instrument in the tool box of those who continue to do the daily work that contributes to their wellbeing. Keep in mind that affirmations, to be powerful, must be believable. Feel free to adjust the words in the examples below until they feel comfortable to you when you say them silently.
  • I am open to an easy flow of health and wholeness
  • I accept help and support with ease
  • Every day I am remembering the truth of my being
  • There is that within me which is peaceful and calm
  • Every breath I take increases my clarity
  • I bring my love to every situation I encounter
Edward Viljoen graduated as a Sonoma County Law Enforcement Chaplain in April 1999, received a Doctorate of Divinity from Centers for Spiritual Living and was awarded the much-respected Ernest Holmes Award for exemplary demonstration of the teachings of Dr. Ernest Holmes.

Among his passions as a minister is helping other ministers and has served the Ongoing Ministers Education Conference for 10 years. Other passions include music, cats, essential oils, science fiction and leading people on tours to places in the world to experience new cultures and new ways of understanding the Divine.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Edward_Viljoen


  1. Hello, you adorable man.
    I see that you're following me on Twitter. I'm delighted and tickled, whilst also wondering if you might be the elusive "reverend stalker" I keep hearing about.
    You are amazingly prolific dude! Awesome on steroids!
    How aligned we is. I see your recent blog is on "addiction." Yup, that's the very topic that I'm marinating right now.
    Incredible how each topic I choose (kinda chooses me) begins a journey wherein I encounter opportunities to directly experience the topic of which I'm writing and/or I'll hear stories and/or little pithy gems, that inspire me further.
    Our community (and I mean the world) is fortunate to have your passion and wisdom.
    You shed way more Light along seemingly dark paths than you'll ever know.
    May you always feel the Grace Of God.
    I love you, Sahar

    1. I have been watching your blog too. http://saharsound.blogspot.com/2014/04/earth-dayclimate-change.html?m=0


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