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Saturday, July 20, 2024

Exploring Imperfection with Dr. Edward Viljoen, July 21, 2024

Dear Spiritual Community,

This Sunday, we will delve into the idea that striving for flawlessness may not be a beneficial goal. Instead, we can think of perfection as "wholeness." Just like when we say a meal, a vacation, or a visit was "perfect," we mean it had all the elements to make it good. It doesn't mean there was nothing wrong; maybe there could be improvements, and yet, it was perfect. At the end of each service, we affirm, "I accept life just the way it is and just the way it is not." This acceptance embodies perfection, the wholeness of all that is.

We warmly invite you to our Sunday Service on July 21, 2024. You can attend in person at 9 AM or 11 AM or join us online at 9 AM. This week, our topic is "Imperfect Practices."

  1. Embrace Imperfection as a Path to Growth and Authenticity
  2. Step Out of the Comfort Zone as a Path to Growth and Authenticity
  3. Explore Vulnerability as a Path to Growth and Authenticity

Embracing Imperfection

As a young adult, I was obsessed with fitting in, which made me miserable because I never quite succeeded. I didn’t have the right interests, the right clothes, or the right background. I pretended not to care, but I did. When I discovered the Center, I learned about the power of changing my mind. I started to care about things that were good for me and the opinions of people who were kind and accepting. This shift brought immense relief and allowed me to accept my imperfect self.

Richard Branson’s Story

Richard Branson, the founder of Virgin Group, turned his severe dyslexia into a strength. Traditional schooling methods didn’t work for him, and he often felt lost. He decided to drop out of school at 15. Instead of hiding his dyslexia, he put it on the table and worked around it by hiring people to read to him. This approach ensured Virgin's communication was always clear and effective, turning his reading difficulty into an advantage.

Stepping Out of the Comfort Zone

Growth and self-discovery happen outside the comfort zone. Staying in the safe zone protects perfectionism, but embracing the unfamiliar, taking risks, and saying yes to new experiences leads to growth.

Shonda Rhimes’ Story

Shonda Rhimes transformed her life by stepping out of her comfort zone. After realizing she never said yes to anything, she embarked on a "year of yes." She committed to saying yes to everything that scared her or made her nervous, including public speaking, social settings, self-care, and spending time with her family. This journey led her to live authentically and fulfill her own needs and aspirations.

Rachel Brosnahan’s Experience

Rachel Brosnahan shared how her role in "The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel" taught her the importance of breaking personal barriers. Initially told she wasn’t funny, she learned the value of not telling yourself you can’t do things and discovered her comedic talent.

Embrace Vulnerability

Embracing vulnerability and authenticity allows us to connect more deeply with ourselves and others. Being vulnerable means being authentic, not trying to be someone else. When we are more of ourselves, it encourages others to be themselves and see us for who we truly are.

Emily McDowell’s Story

Emily McDowell, creator of Emily McDowell & Friends, used her experience as a cancer survivor to create greeting cards that express what people with serious illnesses want to hear. Her honesty and realness resonated with people, growing her business and creating authentic connections.

Applying These Principles

This week, consider:

  • Embracing your faults as part of your wholeness and exploring how they can be strengths.
  • Stepping out of your comfort zone and approaching challenges with a growth mindset.
  • Embracing vulnerability and authenticity, allowing yourself to be seen as you truly are.

Join Us in Celebrating Rev. Russ's Ordination

After our services, we invite you to join us at 1 PM for Rev. Russ's ordination. It’s a special occasion, and everyone is welcome to attend.

We look forward to seeing you this Sunday as we explore these powerful practices together and celebrate our community.

In peace and gratitude,

Edward Viljoen

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Saturday, July 13, 2024

Lean Into Imperfection with Dr. Edward Viljoen

Join Us for Sunday’s Celebration Service on July 14, 2024!

Are you ready to embrace a more fulfilling and authentic life? We warmly invite you to join our spiritual community this Sunday, July 14, 2024, for our Celebration Service at the Center for Spiritual Living. Whether you attend in person or join us via our YouTube channel, we have two service times available: 9 AM and 11 AM.

Dr. Edward as the Speaker

This Sunday, we are honored to have Dr. Edward as our speaker. Dr. Edward will explore the theme "Lean into Imperfection," which resonates deeply with many of us. In his talk, he will share personal stories and insights on how perfectionism can hinder our full engagement in life and prevent us from connecting authentically with others. Through his own journey, Dr. Edward has learned to embrace imperfection and find wholeness in the midst of flaws and mistakes.

What to Expect

During the service, Dr. Edward will delve into three main points:

  1. How perfectionism can prevent us from fully participating in life and contributing to others.
  2. The freedom that comes from redefining what perfection means.
  3. The role of a spiritual community in helping us practice overcoming our perfectionism.

Dr. Edward will also share practical steps and affirmations to help us embrace imperfection, foster self-compassion, and cultivate an optimistic mindset.

A Personal Invitation

We understand that many of us struggle with the pressures of being perfect. Dr. Edward's message will provide a refreshing perspective and practical tools to help us let go of the need for perfection and instead embrace our whole, complete selves. His talk promises to be a source of inspiration and encouragement, helping us to connect more deeply with ourselves and with each other.

Join Us In Person or Online

You are welcome to join us in person at the Center for Spiritual Living, where we will gather as a community to support and uplift each other. If you prefer to join us online, our YouTube channel will stream the service live at 9 AM . No matter how you choose to participate, we look forward to sharing this special time with you.


  • Date: Sunday, July 14, 2024
  • Service Times: 9 AM and 11 AM
  • Location: Center for Spiritual Living or on our YouTube channel
  • Speaker: Dr. Edward
  • Theme: Lean into Imperfection

We hope to see you there as we come together to explore, share, and grow. Let’s embrace our imperfections and celebrate the beauty of our authentic selves.

Welcome to Our Community

Remember, you are not alone on this journey. At the Center for Spiritual Living, we welcome you just as you are—imperfect and whole. Come, connect, and discover the freedom that comes from leaning into life with an open heart.

See you on Sunday!

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Friday, June 28, 2024

Join Us for Our 70th Anniversary Celebration Service

We are thrilled to invite you to a special celebration service on Sunday, June 30, at 10 am to honor our 70th anniversary. This is a significant milestone in our community’s journey, and we would love for you to participate.

Important Details:

  • Service Time: 10 am (arrive early)
  • Carpooling: Strongly encouraged to ease parking and reduce our environmental footprint
  • Extended Music Program: Featuring a special performance by our choir

Why Arrive Early and Carpool?

Arriving early ensures you get a good seat and helps us start the celebration smoothly. Carpooling not only helps with limited parking space but also fosters community spirit. Plus, it’s a great way to reduce traffic congestion and environmental impact.

A Walk Down Memory Lane

On July 26, 1998, our community gathered outside in the parking lot, waiting for clearance from the fire department to have our first service. The topic was, "How did we get here today?" and it remains a relevant question. We got here because, some time ago, we caught a vision for our lives, took a risk, and followed up with action.

Celebrating Our Community

This anniversary celebration is not just a look back at our past but a tribute to everyone who has contributed to our community’s success. Special flower dedications will honor dear friends whose spirits and contributions remain with us.

Music and More

Our choir will perform, and we have planned an extended music program to make this Sunday even more special. It will be a wonderful time to connect, reflect, and rejoice.

Moving Forward Together

As we look to the future, let's remember the courage and commitment it took to get here. We’ve moved from being renters to homeowners, a parable for life itself. Owning your dream means taking responsibility and making your life a proper home for Spirit.

Special Thanks

We are incredibly grateful for our staff and volunteers' hard work and dedication. Your contributions make our community vibrant and welcoming.

Join us in celebrating our journey, community, and bright future. Let’s continue to nurture our dreams and support each other as we move forward.

See you on Sunday, June 30!

With love and gratitude,


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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Dr. Edward Viljoen and Gary Lynn Floyd June 22

This Sunday, I invite you to join us for an uplifting celebration service with Dr. Edward Viljoen and music by the talented Gary Lynn Floyd. We gather on June 22 at 9:00 AM or 11:00 AM to explore the depths of our spiritual journey and celebrate our theme for the month: Boldness—spiritual boldness.

Throughout June, we’ve been on a path of discovery:

  • Audacity and bravery
  • Staying on track and inspired despite challenges
  • Rev. Russ’s insightful message on being unbounded and unstoppable

This week, our focus is on "Higher Heights"—a continuation of our journey where our consciousness expands with every experience, whether joyful or challenging. We will explore how to tap into our creative spirit, reconnect with our inner life, and draw upon the strength within us.

The world can be disheartening at times, but as we learn to depend on our inner resources, we find peace that is not influenced by external factors. I will share insights on spiritual boldness and how our internal resources guide us through life’s experiences, help us achieve freedom in consciousness, and inspire us to continue our journey even when faced with obstacles.

Last Wednesday, we celebrated our Juneteenth Community Summer Solstice Potluck, reflecting on the freedom achieved in 1865. We were moved by the profound words of Celeste Austin, Olivia Kinzler, and Lawrence Edwards. Lawrence’s reflection on envisioning freedom despite no visible evidence resonated deeply with me, highlighting the power of vision and inner strength.

We draw inspiration from the stories of those like Harriet Tubman, who faced unimaginable obstacles yet found the courage to secure her freedom and assist others. This Sunday, we’ll reflect on how such courage can guide us through our own challenges and help us reach higher heights.

In moments of insecurity, we might recall Maya Angelou's practice of calling upon the kindness and support of those who have been part of our lives. She spoke of bringing everyone who had ever been kind to her with her in challenging times, illustrating the power of collective memory and spiritual support.

We also look to the inspiring example of Anthony Ray Hinton, who found freedom in his mind while unjustly imprisoned. His story in The Sun Does Shine teaches us that even when our circumstances seem dire, we can use our imagination and inner resources to create a world of freedom and possibility.

In our service, we will discuss how to:

  • Embrace spiritual boldness and internal resources to navigate life’s experiences
  • Cultivate freedom in consciousness, even when faced with external limitations
  • Persevere through life’s obstacles, drawing strength from our past experiences and nurturing a vision for a better future.

The creative power of our minds enriches our journey. Please reflect on how you can use your imagination and inner strength to rise above challenges and contribute to a world of freedom, inclusion, and equality.

Let’s come together and celebrate this journey of spiritual boldness, where we strive to reach higher heights and create a positive impact for ourselves and future generations.

Join us this Sunday at 9:00 AM or 11:00 AM, and let’s continue to explore the transformative power of spiritual boldness. I look forward to seeing you there.

In peace and possibility,

Dr. Edward Viljoen

Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa
2075 Occidental Road, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
(707) 546-4543

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Saturday, June 8, 2024

Join Us for "Fired Up!" – A Celebration with Dr. Edward Viljoen

In these challenging times, staying inspired and focused can be tough. The world is filled with difficult-to-digest and accept events, often happening in our name and funded by our tax dollars. Yet, our spiritual journey calls us to face these difficulties, not ignore them.

Join us this Sunday at 9 or 11 a.m. for a special celebration with Dr. Edward Viljoen. We will delve into the theme of being "Fired Up!" Let's explore together how we can maintain a clear, compassionate, and creative mindset in the face of life's challenges.

Recap from Last Week's Message

Last week, we explored these four key points:

  • The Challenge of Staying Fired Up: The current global situation makes it hard to get excited and engaged.
  • Spirituality's Purpose: It isn’t about turning a blind eye to difficulties but facing them with strength.
  • Turning Inward for Guidance: In our spiritual work, we should focus on the source of creativity and power within for direction and inspiration.
  • Staying on Task: Change in the world can take time; we must stay focused and on task.

This week, we’re zooming in on that last point: Stay on task, stay focused, don’t give up, and don’t lose hope. Someone somewhere needs us to maintain a clear, compassionate, and creative mindset. This is the mandate of our movement’s vision—to move toward a world that works a little better for everyone.

Why This Matters

I've spoken to many people recently who are struggling. They feel the collective pain and suffering, making it hard to cope with everyday challenges—relationships, communication, health, and navigating unusual emotions. They find it difficult to get excited about life.

If you’re feeling this way, it’s okay. Being sad and disoriented is appropriate; it means your heart, soul, and humanity are still functioning.

As spiritual beings guided by love, compassion, equity, and integrity, we often intensely feel these times' pain. It’s normal to be troubled and to struggle with questions such as:

  • How do I pray when my soul is disturbed?
  • How do I practice what Dr. Ernest Holmes advised? Holmes wrote: “Someday we shall learn to lay our burdens on the altar of Love, that they may be consumed by the fire of confidence in the Living Spirit” (Science of Mind, p. 335).

Finding the Way Forward

Holmes emphasized that our prayers should be filled with conviction, warmth, and imagination. We are asked to bring our heart, mind, and soul to the feeling we want to amplify in the world and become it. This doesn’t mean being peppy or cheerful. The love we express can be deep, serious, and sober.

Holmes also wrote: “Love is the central flame of the universe, the very fire itself. The essence of Love, while elusive, pervades everything, fires the heart, stimulates the emotions, renews the soul, and proclaims the Spirit” (Science of Mind, p. 478).

By facing the world, feeling its disturbances, and tapping into our deep feelings of love, we can let that love fire up our hearts and stimulate our emotions. This gives us the courage to speak about the horrors of war and other challenges with holy boldness.

Practical Application

Our teachings are deeply demanding. They require us to tune into, express, and channel the central flame of love repeatedly. This practice helps us stay connected to our responsibilities and prevents us from becoming dependent on external sources.

Consider watering a plant from deep at the roots rather than from the surface. Similarly, we must feed ourselves spiritually from deep within. This means putting our attention on ideas that uplift and inspire us, such as:

  • I am in partnership with the Infinite.
  • Infinite Intelligence is the reality behind all things.
  • I am a channel through which that Intelligence flows.

These affirmations can re-center our thoughts and help us respond rather than react to the world’s challenges.

Your Invitation

We invite you to join us this Sunday at 9 or 11 am with Dr. Edward Viljoen. Let's gather as a community to get fired up, stay on task, and maintain our hope and focus. Together, we can embody the central flame of love and inspire change in the world.

Next week, we'll explore "Unbounded and Unstoppable," sharing inspiring stories of audacious, fired-up, and unstoppable people. We look forward to seeing you and sharing in this journey of holy boldness.

Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

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Friday, June 7, 2024

Is It OK to Turn Away from What's Happening in the World?

Sacred Audacity

Audacity is the willingness to take bold steps in life. Sacred or Spiritual Audacity is the courage to take bold steps in your imagination and create a vision of your life where everything is just right. This takes effort because our brains have a negativity bias, making it easier to focus on problems rather than solutions. The intensity of society’s challenges, which can be overwhelming, often makes it feel irresponsible to imagine a bright future.

Recently, I took a bold and audacious vacation to New York City. It had been over 30 years since I had been there. The last time I visited, I went up one of the Twin Towers to the observation deck, which was spectacular. Visiting the 9/11 memorial site was chilling and emotional. This was not the sort of experience I typically plan for a vacation, yet I felt it was my duty to go, look, and let all the pain in. Seeing the names of the nearly 3,000 lost souls engraved in the granite was a powerful experience. I noted that people from all around the world were clearly of different beliefs and cultures, all present in a quiet, respectful acknowledgment of something immense.

In contrast to the solemn experience at the memorial site, I also did some activities that inspired me differently. I saw "Cabaret" on Broadway with Eddie Redmayne as the Master of Ceremonies. Perhaps you already know that the story takes place in pre-Nazi Germany toward the end of the Jazz Cabaret era. The Kit Kat Club is a place of bold, decadent, audacious entertainment, affirming gender fluidity, body fluidity, and sexual positivity.

One character, Fraulein Schneider, who owns a boarding house in the area, falls in love with Mr. Schultz, and they plan to get married until it is discovered that Mr. Schultz is Jewish. She is warned by a Nazi that it won't go well for her. She calls off the engagement out of self-preservation and sings a chilling song in which she asks, what would you do if someone you loved and planned to marry was threatened by a rising fascist regime? She asks, would you pay the price and stick with them, or would you turn away and ignore the rising wave of fascism if it meant your personal safety?

The story is based on the real-life experience of pre-war Germany, as in Christopher Isherwood’s autobiography. In it, he recounts that many of his Jewish or gay cabaret acquaintances fled abroad to safety. Still, many more perished in concentration camps in what became a staggering genocide so shocking that the communities of the world have since vowed never to let it happen again.

The Genocide Convention became the first human rights treaty in the history of the United Nations 75 years ago. It calls all people of all nations to pay attention and prevent genocide because, as stated on the UN website, “in reality, genocide is typically not unleashed without warning but rather the result of progressive human rights violations, identifiable patterns of systemic discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, or some other characteristic, which society sometimes ignores.”

"Leave  your troubles outside! Life is disappointing.  Forget it!" 
Master of Ceremonies, Cabaret

Fraulein Schneider sings to the audience something like, “I’ll be fine, I’ll get by, I’ll manage if I just don’t pay attention to what is happening and mind my own business instead.” As I watched the musical, I couldn’t help but think of our teaching, the Science of Mind, which calls us to be audacious and bold. I wondered why so many of us prefer not to think about or talk about the atrocities that are taking place in our society today.

I can see one potential reason, and it is in our teaching itself, inspired by something Jesus taught. He said, “Resist not evil.” We are taught something similar: when a disturbing condition presents itself, we are to “turn entirely away from the condition.” The full quote is, “We turn entirely away from the condition because as long as we look at it, we cannot overcome it. By thinking upon a condition, we tend to animate it with the life of our thought, and thereby it is perpetuated and magnified” (p. 164.3).

Can you see the potential problem? If I walk past a person being beaten up or harassed because of their gender, race, or religion, and I turn entirely away from the condition and say, “I’ll be okay,” if I fall on the sidewalk and break my leg, and I turn entirely away from the condition and don’t deal with it, if someone I love is being exploited or suffering from an addiction, and I turn entirely away from the condition and don’t deal with it, I can see the potential problem with turning away.

"...turn entirely away from the condition..."
Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind.  p. 164

A few things must be considered when studying this phrase. First, something is missing from the quote. The complete quote starts with this: “In treatment.” This means that when we pray, we turn our attention away from the problem and focus instead on wholeness, unity, and life. In our inner work, we turn away from focusing on the negative, but in life, we must take the necessary steps inspired by our prayer that lead to action to do the right thing and get the right help. So if fascism, for example, were on the rise, our teaching would not encourage us to look the other way but to audaciously declare our allyship with those who are afflicted by injustice. To me, the Science of Mind answer to Fraulein Schneider's question, “What would you do, would you pay the price?” is this: Whatever you do, do something—don’t turn away. Whatever you do, while you do it, also do your inner work. Turn your attention in your prayer work to the eternal source of compassion and creativity at the center of your being and ask, “What am I to do?”

The second thing we must consider is that turning entirely away from something cannot mean pretending it isn’t happening. Perhaps it means this: I will give the condition no power to control my thoughts, emotions, and actions. Instead, I would say to myself, “I will not let it cause me to be less human, less decent, less creative, less powerful. Rather, I will use this situation to cause me to be more human, more spiritual, more caring, more awake, and more creative. I will not let the world drain me of compassion or courage. No, I can meet the world because I am fueled from within.”

Turn Toward Life and Keep on Keeping on

This month, we celebrate Father’s Day, Juneteenth, our 70th anniversary as a Center, and Pride Month. Boldness and audacity play a role in each of these important events. The fathers of the U.S. have a woman, Sonora Smart Dodd of Spokane, Washington, to thank for Father’s Day. In 1910, Sonora worked hard to establish a holiday equal to Mother’s Day for dads. She went to churches, the YMCA, shopkeepers, and government officials to drum up support for her idea and succeeded. Washington State celebrated the nation’s first statewide Father’s Day on June 19, 1910. Note that date—June 19—for a moment. Then it took 70 years before it became a national holiday in 1972. The world sometimes takes a while to catch up… don’t give up. Thank you, Sonora Dodd, for having a vision and sticking with it so we can celebrate fatherhood later this month.

June is the month we celebrate Juneteenth, the federal holiday commemorating the freedom of the last enslaved people in Texas. It’s celebrated on June 19th—there is that date again. Although this holiday has roots back to the 1860s, was only recently recognized nationally, as recently as 2021, when President Joe Biden signed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act into law. We will celebrate Juneteenth at our Wednesday evening service on June 19 at 7 pm. In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln made the Emancipation Proclamation. Still, it was not until Union soldiers arrived in Galveston, Texas, on June 19, 1865, that the state’s residents finally learned that slavery had been abolished. Again, the world sometimes takes a while to catch up… don’t give up.

It's noteworthy that a proclamation had to be made to declare what ought to be an obvious spiritual truth. Still, it would take another 157 years to make a federal holiday formally acknowledging the freedom celebration. The world sometimes takes a while to catch up—don’t give up.

Though the World May Take a While to Catch Up

It reminds me of our teaching. We are taught to declare the truth, and the world might take a moment to catch up. We are taught to keep our eye on the spiritual truth and don’t waver from it, though the world may take a moment to catch up. Though Black, Indigenous, and People of Color continue to suffer discrimination, harmful cultural stereotyping, and systemic racism, don’t give up. Don’t turn away. Don’t mind your own business. Declare the self-evident spiritual truth and keep moving. Declare the spiritual truth in your mind and keep going. Affirm in your heart, recognize and align with the spiritual truth, and keep on keeping on. The world will have to catch up with you.

Like Bayard Rustin, an openly gay African American civil rights leader, who in 1941 marched on Washington to press for an end to racial discrimination in employment. He organized Freedom Rides to raise awareness that racial discrimination had not yet ended, even though it was proclaimed to be over and done in 1863. It had not ended some 78 years later. So Bayard Rustin helped organize the Southern Christian Leadership Conference to support Dr. Martin Luther King. It was he, Bayard Rustin, who introduced Dr. King to Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophy of non-violent resistance and the tactics of civil disobedience.

He didn’t give up when the world hadn’t yet caught up to his vision of what I call Spiritual Self-Evident Truth. He carried on, and later in life, he stood up for equality for LGBTQ+ people, declaring something that is spiritually self-evident, though the world still hasn’t caught up. He was targeted and criticized over his sexuality. Politicians threatened to tell the press he and Dr. King were gay lovers, so he usually acted behind the scenes. Because he didn’t and couldn’t give up. Thank you, Bayard Rustin, for having the spiritual audacity to have a vision and sticking with it until more of it became a reality. May we stand for that vision until all of it is real.

Bold and Audacious

I'm celebrating the audacity of our AIDS LifeCycle team, who left for their 365-mile ride to Los Angeles this morning at 6 am to raise millions of dollars, even in the wake of the Pope disappointingly using a vulgar and derogatory term to describe gay men. Yes, it takes a while for the world to catch up. Walking around NYC, arguably the most cosmopolitan and diverse city I’ve ever been to, holding hands with my partner, we saw people not yet used to seeing two men in love and working through their process to catch up.

Thank you, Sonoma Pride celebration and everyone who visited our Center booth for showing up for the LGBTQ community. This month, I am remembering to stay focused even though the world may not have caught up yet. I remember to affirm, recognize, and align with the self-evident spiritual truth of oneness and not waver from it, though the world may take a moment, a decade, or a century to catch up with the reality that all people are equal and that love is love, and that equality is not a special right.

“The real radical is that person who has a vision of equality and is willing to do those things that will bring reality closer to that vision.”
Bayard Rustin

Also, this month, we celebrate our 70th anniversary as a spiritual center in Sonoma County. Imagine the audacity of a small group of people who gathered weekly in a living room on Clark Street to listen to audio recordings of Sunday messages until they could invite a minister to come up and speak to them. We thank goodness they did. I wonder if they imagined this would result from that audacity. I wonder if we could travel back in time to ask them what message they would give us, the imagined community in the future that they were paving the way for. One of the features of our 70th anniversary is to create a time capsule with messages for the future community some 70 years from now. On your way out today, please take a moment to pick up a card and send your thoughts to our future community.

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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Join Dr. Edward for a Celebration of Sacred Audacity: Sunday, June 2 at 9 or 11 AM

Dear Beloved Community,

I am delighted to invite you to a special Sunday Celebration Service on June 2nd at 9 AM or 11 AM. This Sunday, we will explore a powerful and transformative theme: Sacred Audacity.

What is Sacred Audacity?

Sacred Audacity is the courage to take bold steps in your imagination, to craft a vision of your life where everything is just right. It's about overcoming the brain's natural negativity bias and the overwhelming challenges of society to envision a brighter future. This practice requires effort and a willingness to dream big, even when it feels irresponsible to do so.

During our service, we will explore how Sacred Audacity can empower us to face and transform life's obstacles. We will discuss the importance of bold imagination and visualization in creating a future aligned with our highest ideals.

Personal Insights and Inspirations

I will also share some personal experiences that exemplify Sacred Audacity. From an emotional visit to the 9/11 memorial in New York City to the inspiring performances on Broadway, these moments highlight the importance of facing life's challenges with courage and creativity.

Workshop on the Power of Visualization

If you're inspired by our morning discussion and want to dive deeper, I invite you to join me for a two-hour workshop this afternoon on the power of visualization. We will practice using Sacred Audacity to envision and manifest a better world for everyone. This is an opportunity to take bold steps in imagining a more harmonious and just world.

Special Celebrations in June

June is a month filled with significant celebrations, each embodying boldness and audacity:

  • Father’s Day: Honoring Sonora Smart Dodd, who tirelessly worked to establish a day celebrating fatherhood.
  • Juneteenth: Commemorating the emancipation of the last enslaved people in Texas and recognizing the ongoing journey towards true freedom and equality.
  • Pride Month: Celebrating the courage and resilience of the LGBTQ+ community, inspired by leaders like Bayard Rustin, who stood up for equality and justice despite immense challenges.

Our 70th Anniversary

We also celebrate our 70th anniversary as a spiritual center in Sonoma County this month. Imagine the audacity of a small group of people who gathered weekly in a living room on Clark Street to listen to audio recordings of Sunday messages until they could raise enough money to invite a minister to join them. We are grateful for their bold vision and commitment.

As part of our anniversary celebrations, we are creating a time capsule with messages for our future community, some 70 years from now. Please take a moment to pick up a card and send your thoughts to our future community.

Embrace Sacred Audacity

So, what will you do? How will you embrace Sacred Audacity in your life? Join us this Sunday to find inspiration and support on your journey. Let's unite to celebrate, envision, and take bold steps toward a brighter future.

Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday at 9 or 11 AM!

With love and light,

Edwar Viljoen
Senior Minister

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Saturday, May 11, 2024

Join Us This Sunday for a Special Message from Dr. Edward Viljoen: "How a Values-led Life Can Bring Us from Good, to Great, to Grand"

Hey everyone, this Sunday, May 12, we have a special treat for our community at the 9 am and 11 am services. Dr. Edward Viljoen will share a powerful message about the impact of living a life guided by our deepest values. His talk, "How a Values-led Life Can Bring Us from Good, to Great, to Grand," is a look into how aligning our daily lives with our core values can transform our approach to relationships, personal growth, engagement in the world, voting, and even our sense of fulfillment.

Dr. Edward, with his rich background as a spiritual coach, has seen firsthand how focusing on what we genuinely value can change how we live and relate to others. He'll share stories and insights about how identifying and embracing our values can lead us to live more authentically and attract relationships that enrich our lives.

What is your inner operating system?

Have you ever considered what drives your decisions or how you choose the people around you? Dr. Edward will explore these questions, highlighting the role of values in not just attracting the right people but also in navigating life's challenges. It's about understanding that our values are like a beacon, guiding us through life's complexities and helping us make decisions that bring us true joy and satisfaction.

This Sunday is a chance to step back and reflect on what values are guiding you. Are they taking you where you want to go? Dr. Edward's message will help you look at your own life through the lens of your values, encouraging a shift from focusing on what others bring into your life to how you can embody the values that matter most to you.

Plus, the music! 

Do you know who is performing at the Center on May 11? Eddie Watkins Jr., Karen Drucker, and Gary Lynn Floyd. It's basically a sneak preview of their concert later in the afternoon.

Looking forward to seeing you all there for some uplifting time together. Let's explore how we can move from good to great to grand by living a life that truly reflects our values.

See you Sunday!

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Practice The Presence Journal

Practice The Presence Journal
Journaling offers a powerful way to record your spiritual growth. Writing in a journal calls on you to be more conscious of the insights that occur daily in your life. It gives you an opportunity to examine your beliefs and be mindful of your choices.

Seeing Good At Work

Seeing Good At Work
I have been through the book three times over three years, and am starting it again. This is not because the material in the book is not working, but because it is working so well! The weekly lessons keep me on track and focused on what is actually true and important, and help me experience more good in every area of my life. LS
