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Saturday, January 20, 2024

Embarking on a New Journey: Sunday, January 21, 2024, with Dr. Edward Vijoen

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Oliver Wendall Holmes, a renowned Supreme Court justice, once said, “I find the greatest thing in this world is not so much where we stand but in what direction we are heading. To reach the port of heaven, we must sail sometimes with the wind, sometimes against it, but we must sail, not drift nor lie at anchor.”

In the spirit of these wise words, our focus this Sunday is to explore not just our destinations but what might be holding us back from leaving the safety of the harbor and sailing into new possibilities.

This Sunday, January 21st, we invite you to join us for a special celebration service at 9 AM and 11 AM, themed “It’s a New Day.” It’s a time to ponder, reflect, and embrace the new beginnings that each day offers.

Letting go is a complex process, unique for each of us. For some, it means releasing an unhealthy relationship; for others, it might be letting go of a past hurt or a limiting belief. Whatever it is, we all face obstacles that hinder our journey into newness.

This Sunday, we’ll delve into the concept of ICOT - an acronym to help us navigate this process. ICOT stands for Imagination, Commitment, Openness, and Trust.

  • Imagination: It's about using our imagination to envision the end result, even if it seems abstract or unattainable at the moment. Remember, many great inventions were once thought impossible.
  • Commitment: This might be the most challenging step. Commitment involves saying yes to your vision, even when you don't have all the details on how it will unfold.
  • Openness: Being open means staying alert to life’s clues and cues. It’s about being receptive to guidance in various forms, even from unexpected sources.
  • Trust: Trust bridges the gap between our efforts and our goals. It's about having faith in the journey, even when the path is unclear.

Our service will include inspiring stories and practical advice on how to apply these principles in our daily lives. We’ll explore the importance of embracing our visions, committing to them wholeheartedly, remaining open to new possibilities, and trusting the journey, even in the face of uncertainty.

Moreover, if you're feeling anxious about change, we’ll share insights from Nona Brooks, the mother of Divine Science, and the soothing words of Saphire Rose’s poem, “She Let Go,” offering a breath of fresh air and a sense of relief.

Together, we’ll engage in a moment of reflection, envisioning our desires and dreams, and opening our hearts to the endless possibilities that life offers.

So, come join us this Sunday. Whether you’re a long-time member of our community or new to our family, we welcome you with open arms. Let’s set sail together into the new day, embracing change, growth, and the endless potential within each of us.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Edward Viljoen, Senior Minister

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