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Monday, September 1, 2014

I have reached a point in my life...

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I have reached a point in my life where I want to spend time on what brings joy and delight to me and those around me.  I am drawn to those who have tolerance and patience and who exhibit concern for the well-being of others.  I find great value in spending time with people who like me, who love me and who want to share their smile with me.

I am drawn to those who love honesty and freedom.  I notice that I like to collaborate with those who are transparent, genuine and sincere. I love interacting with people whom love to learn and who are sometime uncertain about what they know.  I am comfortable being out of step with popular trends and I shy away from comparison as a form of motivation.

I value loyalty and forgiveness and I cherish heartfelt encouragement both when giving and receiving it. I am fascinated with the diversity of human creativity and I genuinely love those who show gentle, loving kindness to all beings.  And on top of everything I am amazed that people accept and welcome me into their lives.

Inspired by a statement wrongly attributed to public figure I admire. 


  1. Me too, Edward. I was nodding the whole time I read that. Very well put. May you be surrounded by such people.

  2. I love you Edward... however you remind me that you're just a 'regular' guy such as myself; I'm still amazed at who you are, a beautiful soul soaring ever higher and attracting those around you to grow and change for the better.

    1. Thank you Nathan - twice! :) Sorry it took me a while to approve your comments. I've had to watch every comment because of the increase of spammy comments selling products. Much love, Edward

  3. I love you Edward... however you remind me that you're just a 'regular' guy such as myself; I'm still amazed at who you are, a beautiful soul soaring ever higher and attracting those around you to grow and change for the better.

  4. I like and love and cherish you.

    1. Ah, it's a mutual love fest then! And I get to hang out with you later this month and meet your beautiful community. Can't hardly wait. When I'm there we should spend some time talking about your blog. It's so lovely and the content excellent and I'd love to review what gadgets and gidgets we can install to help it reach the millions. :)

  5. I wholeheartedly agree with all the sentiments you expressed. Your last comment brought a question to mind though: Given that most of what you wrote is regarding the excellent qualities of worthy people you are drawn to, why does it amaze you that you find such people to love you in return?

    1. Hi Lacy, nice of you to write. It amazes me because often I am the person who is just the opposite of what I'm describing here. I'm often cranky, opinionated, uptight, selfish, unwise, you know the routine? :) But people STILL love me! It's inspiring. xo Edward

  6. There is this idea that we become like the company we keep. I am looking forward to getting to know you more as I know I will become a better person for having done so.

    1. Rodney, I'm excited about Beyond Limits too. I think we will be a good influence on each other and the others in the class - even if we never fit the high standards in the piece I wrote above. Grin. Have a beautiful day. Edward

  7. Beautifully put, Edward. And, unlike the tone of that celebrity, you leave room for a growing sense of compassion.

    1. Thanks Jim! One of the things I love about the original statement is that it is so helpful for me to know what I'm saying a hearty "NO" to, so that I can follow it up with a hearty "YES" to whatever I'm saying yes to. I think that I learned that from Ernest Holmes, something about following up a negation with something direct and affirmative. So when I read the original it really helped me to take a moment, get clear on what is important to me in the people I love to be with. As I said to one of the previous commenters, it amazes me that people still want to hang out with me, because often times I am the crankiest, most opinionated, unbending, crazy person I know. xo Edward

  8. Very well said. I feel I'm on a similar path and life is just so much better with such a mindset. Peace, Love and Karma to you Brother.

    1. Thank you Hank! I totally missed your kind comment and am only thanking you now in 2015 - wow :)

  9. Thanks Hank! Peace and Love to you too. Edward

  10. One of the things I love about you, Edward, is that you are willing to share your "warts" with us. That helps me forgive myself for what I think are considerably larger warts! And love myself and you anyway ...


    Nancy Stetson

    1. Thanks Nancy. Sometimes what I think are warts aren't even there - and sometimes I don't see the warts that everyone else can see on me! Do you have a similar experience?

  11. Hi Edward, It's been a while since I've seen you. Those words could have come from me if I'd only been that articulate. I couldn't resist reaching out to tell you so! Thanks for speaking so honestly, that's what makes you so refreshing and wise. xoxo, Heidi

    1. How nice to hear from you Heidi! Thanks for the comment and for the Hugs and Kisses. xo Edward

  12. Edward, I have never known a minister like you. Knowing you is teaching me, really for the first time, to see a minister as a man (or woman), as a regular person. I enjoy knowing you. You make me laugh and think, learn and grow. I'm definitely a work in progress, but so are most of us. Thanks for being you, with the ups and downs and in betweens. :-)

  13. Thank you for you Dr. Rev. Edward Viljoen
    This is the point in my life where I am too. I surround myself with people who I love and who love me.
    I go to where I am celebrated not tolerated. Living life to the fullest with a smile on my heart.
    Never is my intention to hurt or harm myself or another... and I am a work in progress....Peace, Love Joy.


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