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Saturday, March 15, 2025

I Got It, I Lost It—And How to Get It Back

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Ever Felt Spiritually “In the Flow”... Only to Lose It?

One moment, everything clicks. Life feels aligned, effortless, full of meaning. And then—poof—it’s gone. Doubt creeps in. Worry takes over. You feel disconnected from the deep sense of knowing you once had.

Sound familiar?

This Sunday, we’re discussing the natural rhythm of spiritual awareness—the moments we "get it" and the times we "lose it." More importantly, we’ll explore how to find our way back when life shakes us off course.

What You’ll Take Away from This Sunday’s Service:

Recognize the Nature of Spiritual Flow
Discover why losing touch with your spiritual center is not a failure but part of the journey.

Learn Tools for Navigating Spiritual Dry Spells
We’ll discuss powerful practices from Science of Mind to help you realign with your truth—no matter how far you feel you’ve strayed.

Choose a Higher Specialization
Instead of being pulled into the collective fear and negativity of the world, you can specialize in something higher—hope, optimism, and personal empowerment.

Join us in person or on YouTube to Reconnect with the Flow of Life.

Sunday, March 16, 2025
9 AM & 11 AM (PDT)

03/16/25 "I Got It, I Lost It" with Edward Viljoen, Senior Minister

Come experience community, wisdom, and the tools to get back into the flow of your spiritual journey. You belong here. See you Sunday!

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