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Sunday, September 24, 2023

Embracing Enoughness

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Fear of giving away something and having less can hold me back from freely sharing my blessings. However, a deeper understanding of spiritual law has taught me that giving more opens a pathway for even greater connection and joy in my Life. It's a shift in perspective that allows me to create a powerful vacuum, drawing more good into my existence.

Just as our blood circulates through our bodies, carrying vital nourishment, we must learn to trust in the ever-present flow of creative energy that Life has set in motion  Life, in its infinite wisdom, has not left us to fend for ourselves. We are part of a grand river of blessings guided by the currents of divine circulation. But to experience the fullness of this flow, we must release whatever constricts our hearts and experiment with being someone who gives, receives, and acknowledges.

Remember the Bible's timeless wisdom: "Give and it shall be given to you. Ask, and you shall receive. Knock, and the door will be opened to you. Forgive, and you shall be forgiven. Love, and you will be loved." These profound words remind us that taking the first step towards goodness, generosity, and love initiates a beautiful cycle of compassionate connection.

Application Exercise:

  • Take a moment to identify something meaningful you can give or share with others. It could be a kind word, a gesture of love, or a tangible gift. Focus on the joy of giving and let go of any attachment to outcomes.
  • Practice gratitude for the abundance that already exists in your Life. Make a list of the blessings you've received, big and small. Express your appreciation for these gifts, knowing more is coming.
  • Whenever you encounter thoughts of lack or limitation, gently redirect your focus to the abundance around you. Affirm that Life is always providing for your needs and desires.
  • Share your experiences with a friend or loved one. Engage in open conversations about embracing abundance and the beauty of giving from the heart. Encourage each other to create more vacuums for blessings to flow.

With trust and gratitude,


1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Edward, beautiful message, so true and powerful. This message “Embracing Enoughness” is an important reminder for me, I’ve printed it out to keep with my gratitude journal.


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