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Saturday, April 20, 2024

Anchor In the Spirit Within first and See its Radiance Everywhere. With Dr. Edward Viljoen April 21, 2024

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Join us this Sunday, April 21th, at 9 or 11 a.m. for our celebration service as we dive deeper into our April "Giant Gentleness" theme with Dr. Edward Viljoen!

This month's theme explores the intriguing combination of "giant" and "gentleness." At first glance, these words may seem contradictory, with "giant" evoking thoughts of power and enormity, while "gentleness" suggests a soft touch. However, when we merge these concepts, we discover that gentleness, expressed through loving kindness, possesses immense power.

Last week, we focused on applying gentleness to our relationships, emphasizing four key ideas:

  1. Tuning into the source of all there is.
  2. Making a choice to be present and listen attentively.
  3. Developing a strong sense of self-awareness.
  4. Practicing observation without interference.

This week, using the same four ideas, our focus shifts to "Taking It to the Streets," extending these principles beyond our personal relationships and into the wider world.

Applying giant gentleness to those we already love may feel easier, albeit still challenging. The foundation of affection makes it more accessible, facilitating experiences of oneness, forgiveness, and trust. Yet, when we extend this gentleness to unfamiliar territory—when closeness and affection are yet to be developed—we face a new opportunity for growth. It's a chance to remain rooted in our compassionate hearts, even amidst unfamiliar or challenging circumstances.

In times like these, it's common to hear phrases like "We are living in the most divisive time in human history." However, historical documentaries offer a different perspective, reminding us that divisiveness has always existed. Life continually allows us to practice staying centered in our peace amidst turmoil.

This teaching is not about avoiding difficult topics or challenges; rather, it's about finding refuge in our spiritual practice so we can confront them with clarity and compassion. By tuning into the wholeness of inner presence, we become sensitively attuned to the world's troubles, responding from a place of deep understanding and kindness.

Dr. Viljoen shares a poignant personal experience from his time as a pastoral care minister during the AIDS epidemic. Confronted with profound suffering, he learned to anchor himself in the truth of spiritual wholeness, allowing him to see the radiant spirit within each individual, regardless of physical afflictions. This practice of giant gentleness—rooted in compassion and centeredness—became his guiding light in times of darkness.

Dr. Ernest Holmes reminds us that our spiritual work is to relieve our minds of fear, allowing our thoughts to reflect the deep inner feeling that comes from union with the spirit. This involves consciously choosing to be present, repeatedly returning to the seat of compassion within us until it becomes second nature.

There may be confusion about whether spiritual practitioners should engage in worldly matters like social justice or politics. The answer lies in maintaining a mind cleared of fear, anchored in the truth of oneness, and acting from that center with humility, kindness, and love.

As we continue our journey of giant gentleness, let us remember to approach others with humility, kindness, and love, bringing the light of truth into the world. Together, we'll discover that this practice is not just a personal endeavor but the foundation of collective healing.

Join us this Sunday as we explore cosmic gentleness, building upon the lessons learned throughout April. Let's embody the power of giant gentleness and usher in a world of compassion and understanding.

See you there!

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