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Monday, August 14, 2023

Embrace Spiritual Living in Everyday Moments - A Journey of Guidance

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Dear Beloved Spiritual Community,

In our quest to understand the richness of Life, let us not confine our thoughts on spiritual living solely to our moments of study or meditation. True spiritual living lies in infusing our daily activities with spiritual ideas, unlocking a profound connection with the world around us.

As you go about your ordinary tasks, take a moment to ponder: What occupies your mind while brushing your teeth, washing the dishes, driving, or eating? Each seemingly mundane activity presents an opportunity to redirect our thoughts toward something that nurtures our appreciation of the spiritual energy that surrounds us.

A simple yet transformative practice involves choosing a single idea, such as "Life is infinite," and using it as your guiding beacon throughout the day. Let this idea be the lens through which you view your actions and experiences. Ask yourself, "How is what I am doing right now an example of the idea that Life is infinite?" and explore the endless possibilities of answers.

To reinforce this practice, consider setting a timer at random intervals as a gentle reminder of the idea you are working with for the day. When the timer goes off, pause your activities and examine your thoughts. Regardless of the task at hand, return to the question, and explore how the notion of infinite Life intertwines with your current moment.

Through this beautiful journey of guidance, we discover that every moment is an opportunity to celebrate the spiritual energy that envelops us. By infusing our days with meaningful thoughts, we open ourselves to the richness of Life's gifts, elevating our awareness of the vastness within and around us.

Let us walk this path together, embracing the wisdom of Life's infinite nature in our everyday lives.

With trust,

Edward Viljoen


  1. Thank you, Edward. I used to set my alarm a couple times a day to check in and see where I'm at and what I'm thinking. I would take a deep breath and let myself relax. I've let that go. I work from home and found myself overwhelmed the other day. I stopped, got up, went to my altar smudged myself with sage and just sat there and took deep relaxing breaths. I don't like to get to that point. Its too hard. so I'm going to start doing that again. Thanks for the reminder. God bless

  2. I love this. It's very Tao... very Thich Naht Hahn. When something catches my attention, like 11:11 or 3:33 on the clock or an adorable child etc, I use the moment to breathe consciously and pause. I love the idea of adding a mantra or curiosity. I read a book years ago that really helped me bring the profound into my daily life..."Living in Process". Loved it.


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