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Friday, November 26, 2010

Remembering Bali

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Here is the link to our upcoming 2011 tour to Bali:
2010 037
The rainy temperament of the Islands makes everything green and alive with growing.
 2010 010
Manicured hotel gardens don’t take that much effort!  We watched gardener literally pick up plants and put them in new spots barely having to prepare the soil.  Things thrive where they land!

 2010 018
The rice terraces are steamy and mysterious in the morning and are an idea place for morning walks, if you don’t mind mud and insects.
2010 022
Downtown Ubud shopping is notorious for bargaining merchants who have the talent of making you feel fantastic about a purchase that you could have paid half for around the corner.
2010 023
Temple ceremonies are sometimes open to visitors, especially if you are dressed respectfully and have a sincere heart to participate and not just view.
 2010 051
The Islands of the Gods, of smiles and aromas. 
Here is the link to our upcoming 2011 tour to Bali:

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