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Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Immersed in an Atmosphere of Exotic Beauty, Spiritual Devotion and Splendid Nature. Travel to Bali with Edward Viljoen

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Imagine waking up in paradise, joining your fellow travelers for a daily spiritual practice of reciting the Gayatri Mantra (I'll teach you how), Yoga (accessible to everyone, even beginners) and spiritual community. 

That's what I'm going to be facilitating for Spirit Tours this coming January 2017:

A pilgrimage to the Island of the Gods, where 'holding this sacred space' is a way of life.

With daily spiritual practice, optional yoga/light stretching, facilitated tours to some of Bali's holiest sites, complimentary massage and so much more.

You will be immersed in an atmosphere of exotic beauty, spiritual devotion and splendid nature.

A Journey to Bali - Island of the Gods
January 3rd , 2017 to January 13th , 2017           

Join me on a pilgrimage to the Islands of the Gods, where Holding the sacred space is a way of life. With daily spiritual practice, facilitated tours to some of Bali holiest sites, cultural integration into Balinese life, Balinese blessings by holy Balinese priest you will be immersed in an atmosphere of exotic beauty, spiritual devotion and splendid nature.
  •  $3189 land only
For more information:

Online Registration Form


  1. I'm so glad to be working with
    Spirit Tours again to facilitate spiritual travel to Bali.

  2. I'm so glad to be working with
    William Abel again, who has traveled with Spirit Tours for over ten years to lead the gentle yoga classes.

  3. Travel to Bali with Edward and William was awesome. I have done it twice now and loved it.

    1. And to be fair, as someone who doesn't like yoga particularly, you were able to do the classes and get a lot out of them! :) It was great traveling with you in Bali.

  4. We have uploaded the online registration forms if you plan to Travel to Bali with us. I hope you will.


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