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Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Is It Enough to Envision a World Free from Violence?

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Reading about the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East, Ukraine, and other parts of the world, I realize that traditional appeals for peace seem insufficient. I am noticing a growing global desire for transformative change, moving from rigid stances to recognizing our shared humanity, and I want to be part of it.

I understand the value of cultivating internal peace, which can influence the external world. However, I also question if it is enough just to envision a world where everyone is free from violence or to wish for leaders and citizens to be guided by wisdom and empathy. Is it enough to admire the resilience of those who still hold hope for global support while their lives, including their children’s lives, are in danger?

I am drawn to taking what action I can. So, I have signed Amnesty International's petition for an immediate end to the conflict in Gaza to prevent further humanitarian crises. Another action I am taking is to continue to educate myself about world conflict and human rights crises. I can speak to others in my circle about what I’m learning to discover where my perspective and understanding can be increased.

I believe your perspective is vital, too. If you feel moved to join this growing consciousness, consider signing the petition, which you can find here: Amnesty International Ceasefire Petition - (https://www.amnesty.org/en/petition/demand-a-ceasefire-by-all-parties-to-end-civilian-suffering/).

Or, if you’re not ready but feel drawn to learning more about human rights issues, you might find Amnesty International’s Education Resources page helpful: Amnesty International Education Resources (https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/education/ ).

Although I am open to something extraordinary or miraculous to occur spontaneously, I’m also confident that more of us than ever before can become part of the global shift in consciousness by raising awareness of current tragedies and speaking on behalf of those who cannot advocate for themselves.

I acknowledge the important and ongoing work of confronting, understanding, and softening my own aggressive inclinations, focusing instead on humility, a willingness to learn, and maintaining my commitment to human decency.

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