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Friday, February 11, 2011

A Concert Of Chamber Music - Saturday, February 12, 2011

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For the past several years the Center for Spiritual Living has hosted Nota Bene on the Saturday before Valentines Day for a concert of chamber music.  This year the group is featuring guest artist Christopher Fritzsche, contertenor who has just released his first CD.  This CD was recorded in the gorgeous acoustic of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church in Belvedere, California with soprano, Marguerite Krull and a band of ince=redible instrumentalists, including David Wilson, violin, Katie Kyme, violin, David Daniel Bowes, viola, Paul Hale, cello, Roy Wheldon, bass, and Bradley Broolshire, harpsichord and organ.

Nota Bene Baroque Ensemble was founded in 1987 with the goal of delving into the rich trove of chamber music from the baroque period (approximately 1650 through the mid 1700's) written for their instruments -- recorder, oboe, harpsichord and cello. They have performed in the Santa Rosa Junior College Chamber Concert Series, at the Sonoma State University Concert Series, the Cinnabar Summer Music Festival and the Gualala Concert Series.

 You can subscribe to email notifications about upcoming concerts of Nota Bene here.


for Recorder, Oboe and basso Continuo (1714-1788)

Aria for Alto with obligato Oboe (1685-1750)

Aria for Alto with obligato Oboe

for Cello and Harpsichord (1510-1570)

for Recorder, Oboe, and basso Continuo (1681-1767)

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