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Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Video: Vulnerability, strength or weakness, with Edward Viljoen

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Photo by Jake Thacker
This month’s value is “Spiritual Living through Education and Continuous Improvement.”

Click here to see the video below on YouTube.

How do people bring themselves to a greater vision for their lives? Ernest Holmes writes that the current range of our possibilities does not extend beyond our present concepts. So we have to keep growing and opening our awareness to a greater experience of life. We can do this by developing an  interest in topics we don’t typically pay attention to. What is a subject you don’t know very much about? In our modern times, no information is withheld from us. Look it up and research it and begin a life-long love affair with learning. You can expand your concepts of life through spiritual education offered at the Center too.

How do you bring yourself to a greater vision for your life?

This month’s recommended book, Daring Greatly, by Brené Brown, is an excellent starting place to learn about how to lean into life with more authenticity and passion. You’re invited to join me on Tuesday at 12:30 to “Lunch and Learn.” We’ll use Brené Brown’s book to guide our discussion.

Today's video explores the question, is being vulnerable a strength, or is it a weakness?

Warm Regards,

Edward Viljoen

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