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Saturday, October 5, 2024

Practice Peace and Centeredness with Dr. Edward Viljoen, Sunday, 10/5/2024

In this Sunday's message, I’ll be talking about three key ideas that can help you feel more grounded and empowered:

  1. Going within for guidance – We’ll explore a simple but powerful practice you can use anytime, anywhere, to calm your mind and connect with your inner wisdom.
  2. Releasing the baggage from the past – Learn how to let go of the expectations and experiences that may hold you back and make space for new possibilities.
  3. Recognizing the signs along the way—Discover how to tune in to the guidance around you and offer support when you need it most.

Plus, we’ll be announcing our 2025 nonprofit partners—an inspiring list of organizations dedicated to making our community a better place. You nominated these partners, and we’ll share who they are and the important work they do!

We welcome everyone, whether you’ve been coming for years or this is your first time. Our gatherings are for anyone seeking spiritual growth, connection, and a deeper sense of peace.

Sunday Celebration Details:

  • In person: 9 am & 11 am
  • Online (YouTube): 9 am

Come take a breath, let everything be, and experience a message about embracing calm, releasing the past, and finding the signs that guide us forward.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

Edward Viljoen

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Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Wholeness: Navigating Election Time with Compassion and Connection

As the election approaches, many people feel the tension and stress that come with it. The concept of wholeness, a core teaching at Centers for Spiritual Living, offers a valuable perspective during these challenging times. Wholeness means seeing the bigger picture where everything is connected and nothing is missing. It goes beyond one viewpoint, one party, or one nation. Instead, wholeness embraces all voices, including those who disagree. This approach doesn't require agreement with everyone, but it does mean acknowledging and making space for different perspectives.

Embracing Diversity and Complexity

It's easy to feel isolated or frustrated when faced with differing opinions, especially during conversations online or with family and friends. While blocking out opposing views might seem like a quick fix, it often leads to denial and isolation. True wholeness encourages us to look deeper, beyond surface differences, to find the good that benefits everyone. Embracing wholeness means including discussions of diversity, complexity, and even contradictions. It's about understanding the complete picture, not just the parts that align with our beliefs.

Understanding Wholeness Beyond Simple Solutions

Wholeness also teaches us that understanding doesn't come from oversimplified solutions. Just as one can't fully grasp meditation from a summary, we can't comprehend the fullness of life through quick fixes or social media posts. Wholeness is infinite and ever-evolving, which means we are continuously called to embrace new aspects of it every day. It's more about unity and connection than about separateness and differences. Wholeness includes the interconnectedness of all groups and recognizes that unity in one group at the expense of another is not true wholeness.

Living from Innate Wholeness

Nothing external will truly fulfill us until we live from our innate wholeness. When we carry a mindset of division, we continually see ourselves as separate, no matter the circumstances. But when we focus on our interconnectedness, we open up to empathy and understanding, allowing wholeness to emerge from within us.

Navigating Stress with Compassion

As the election draws near and the nation faces numerous challenges, it's important to remember our innate wholeness. Stress, worry, and conflict can cause us to lose sight of our interconnectedness, but by focusing on wholeness, we can navigate these times with greater compassion and calm. Whether dealing with personal or broader societal issues, maintaining a wholeness attitude helps us stay centered and connected to our deeper values.

The Unchanging Nature of Wholeness

Wholeness remains constant, even when our circumstances change. It is permanent, infinite, and embraces all of life's complexities. Judging others based on their actions or experiences can be easy, especially when they differ from our own. However, by practicing empathy, we can connect with others on a deeper level, recognizing the shared humanity that unites us all.

Practicing Kindness and Compassion

Wholeness invites us to embrace the complete picture—every voice, every experience, and every perspective. It reminds us not to fear or dismiss the voices that differ from ours and to seek the good of all rather than just our interests. As we move through these challenging times, let's focus on allowing our innate wholeness to guide our actions, thoughts, and interactions with others.

By practicing kindness and offering blessings to those we encounter—whether in traffic, in line, or during disagreements—we can access the transformative power of wholeness. A simple practice, such as silently wishing others happiness, helps us stay connected to the bigger picture and supports the emergence of peace and understanding in our world.

Returning to Wholeness One Moment at a Time

During times of national tension, it can feel like our country is undergoing a profound transformation, an illness that brings hidden issues to the surface. Wholeness reminds us that our true nature remains intact, even when we feel disconnected. As each of us returns to the contemplation of our innate wholeness, one moment at a time, we contribute to the healing and restoration of our shared human experience.

As we navigate this election and beyond, remember the simple, compassionate blessing: "May all beings be happy." Let this gentle affirmation guide us, reminding us that kindness is the pathway to experiencing our wholeness and connecting with all life. Through patience, empathy, and determination, we can embody the principle of wholeness and create a world where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued.

Putting Wholeness into Practice in Conversations

Imagine you're having a conversation with someone who holds a different political point of view. It's easy for these discussions to become tense, especially during election season. To practice wholeness, start by intending to approach the conversation with empathy and a sense of connection rather than division.

As you engage, focus on truly listening to the other person. Instead of preparing your response while they are speaking, allow yourself to be fully present. Acknowledge their perspective with an open mind, even if you disagree. For example, you might say, "I hear what you're saying, and I can see why that's important to you." This doesn't mean you're conceding your views; it simply acknowledges theirs.

When it's your turn to share, express your thoughts calmly and without trying to convince the other person to change their mind. You might say, "This is how I see it, and it's meaningful to me because…" By framing your perspective this way, you invite dialogue rather than debate.

Throughout the conversation, silently offer a simple affirmation like, "May we both find understanding and peace." This helps keep your focus on connection rather than conflict. Practicing wholeness isn't about agreeing on everything—it's about recognizing our shared humanity and valuing the wholeness in each of us, no matter our differences.

By approaching conversations this way, you contribute to a more compassionate and connected world, even with differing opinions.

You may be interested in 30 Days of Affirming Peace to support you in nurturing a mindset of calm and clarity.

Edward Viljoen


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Sunday, September 1, 2024

Embrace Peace in a Time of Tension: 30 Days of Affirming Peace

In a world filled with constant news cycles, global tensions, and the anticipation of the upcoming election in the United States, finding a sense of calm and peace can feel like an elusive goal. Yet, in times like these, it’s more important than ever to ground ourselves in the power of positive intention. I invite you to join me in a simple yet transformative practice: 30 Days of Affirming Peace.

This eBooklet is a collection of 30 affirmations and a tool for personal and collective transformation inspired by the Global Vision of Centers for Spiritual Living. For years, I’ve integrated the language of this vision into my teachings, and now, I’ve distilled those insights into daily affirmations designed to nurture peace within and around us. Whether you’re feeling the stress of the current climate or simply looking for a way to bring more harmony into your life, this practice offers a way forward.

Imagine the impact of each of us taking a few moments every day to affirm peace, not just for ourselves but for our communities and the world. The power of group practice can amplify our intentions, creating ripples of calm and compassion that extend far beyond our individual lives. And the best part? It doesn’t matter when you start. The journey is personal and flexible—begin on any day that feels right to you and make the practice your own.

In 30 Days of Affirming Peace, you’ll find affirmations that reflect the ideals of the Global Vision—a vision that calls for a world where unity, kindness, and understanding are the norm. The eBooklet includes an abbreviated text of the Global Vision, offering a touchstone to connect with as you work through each affirmation. Whether you’re new to affirmations or a seasoned practitioner, these daily reflections are designed to gently guide you back to the always-available peace.

You can purchase the PDF version of 30 Days of Affirming Peace and begin your journey of affirming peace today. Inspired by the Global Vision, let's come together and create a collective energy of calm and positive change. Every small action matters and your commitment to peace can make a meaningful difference in your life and the world around you. Join me in this practice, and let’s affirm peace—one day at a time. 

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Sunday, August 25, 2024

Celebrate Wholeness with Us Today!

Good morning, beloved community,

Today, I’m inviting you to a celebration service that touches on the truth about wholeness and disability. We’ll gather at 9 AM in person or on YouTube and again at 11 AM in person. I hope you can be there.

This morning's message is inspired by an experience I had years ago that forever shaped my understanding of wholeness. I was working at a health food café when I met a customer with cerebral palsy who struggled with the dish I served her. In my eagerness to help, I mistakenly took control instead of listening, making things harder for her. What followed was a humbling lesson in understanding that wholeness includes us as we are—without needing to fit into narrow ideas of what is “normal.”

Our teaching reminds us that wholeness isn’t defined by outward standards like perfect strength, health, or mental state. True wholeness encompasses the full range of human experience and includes each of us exactly as we are, even as we grow, heal, and change.

Who Defines Wholeness?

In today’s service, we’ll reflect on how society often confuses wholeness with unrealistic ideals. These pressures can lead us to judge ourselves and others harshly, striving to meet standards that exclude anyone who doesn’t fit neatly within them. Yet, each of us carries a spark of creative power within that invites us to express our unique gifts and live fully—regardless of what “normal” may suggest.

We’ll also explore stories like Joni Eareckson Tada’s, who found that embracing life within her circumstances brought her more profound joy and purpose than trying to change what couldn’t be changed. Her journey reminds us that wholeness is about finding authentic self-expression in whatever reality we find ourselves in.

Our community is committed to making this message of inclusivity tangible. From accessible facilities to Zoom options and Spanish-language offerings, we strive to create a space where everyone feels welcome. And we’re always learning how to improve—not just in our physical spaces, but in how we approach each other openly and respectfully.

Challenge Your Assumptions

In the service, we’ll ask some questions that challenge our assumptions about those who are differently abled: What stories do we tell ourselves when we encounter someone who doesn’t fit into our idea of normal? Can we be fully present with others without needing them to be different from who they are?

These reflections are just a starting point. If you’re interested in diving deeper into these themes, I encourage you to consider Rev. Russ’s upcoming Spiritual Principles and Practices class. The class starts next week, and scholarships are available for those who need them. In the classroom environment, we can explore these ideas in depth and learn how to apply them in our daily lives.

One of the unexpected gifts I’ve received from this teaching is that there isn’t a single “right” way to have a body or mind. As Og Mandino says in The Greatest Miracle in the World, each of us is a one-of-a-kind miracle, a unique expression that has never existed before and will never exist again. Our differences are not just necessary—they’re the fabric of what makes us whole.

As we gather today, I invite you to celebrate your unique journey of wholeness and hold space for the diverse ways others experience theirs. Together, we affirm that every part of our community is vital, valuable, and part of the greater whole.

With love and appreciation,


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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Navigating Clarity and Judgment in Spiritual Practice

Embarking on a spiritual journey can sometimes feel like navigating through fog. The array of spiritual teachings available can be overwhelming, leading to moments of confusion and uncertainty.

Clear Spiritual Guidance

The desire for clear and practical spiritual guidance is a natural part of this journey. Teachings that resonate personally and provide concrete steps for integrating spirituality into daily life can bring a sense of peace and direction, helping one feel more grounded and connected.

There may also be the fear of being judged for spiritual beliefs. This fear can prevent the full expression and sharing of spiritual experiences with others. Exposing such a personal part of life can feel vulnerable. Yet, seeking a supportive environment can be incredibly liberating.

You're Not the Only One

Consider seeking comfort in knowing that you are not alone in these experiences. Many within our community have faced similar challenges and found ways to navigate them. Engaging with others, no matter what their spiritual background, can provide support and insight, helping to alleviate feelings of isolation and judgment.

Explore opportunities to connect with a variety of individuals through community events, small group discussions, and classes. These settings offer a safe space to share your thoughts and questions, gaining clarity and reassurance from collective wisdom.

Inviting gentle reflection on your spiritual journey can also be beneficial. Allow yourself the grace to explore different teachings and find what resonates with you. Personal spiritual practices such as meditation, journaling, or contemplative walks can offer moments of clarity and insight.

Embrace Your Unique Journey

In our community, we strive to create an environment where everyone feels accepted and valued. Your spiritual path is unique, and there is no right or wrong way to seek clarity and understanding. By embracing your journey with compassion and openness, you can find the guidance and support you need.

At the Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa, we are here to support you. Together, we can navigate the complexities of our spiritual paths and find clarity, connection, and peace.

Edward Viljoen, Senior Minsiter

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Sunday, August 18, 2024

Spirituality and Sensuality: Embracing the Fullness of Life

In the breadth of human experience, spirituality and sensuality are often seen as separate, even conflicting, aspects of our lives. Yet, when we look deeper, we find that they are intertwined and beautifully complementary. Our spiritual traditions often call us to rise above the material world, seeking higher consciousness and divine connection. At the same time, our bodies, emotions, and senses are powerful vehicles through which we experience the sacred. The invitation, then, is not to choose one over the other but to harmonize these aspects of ourselves—celebrating both our spiritual essence and our sensual experience.

The Sacredness of Connection

At the heart of spiritual teachings is the idea that we are interconnected. Whether we call it Oneness, Divine Unity, or the interconnected web of life, the idea is that we are all expressions of the same creative force. This interconnectedness is felt most profoundly in our relationships and in moments of deep intimacy. When we engage authentically with another—whether through love, friendship, or shared purpose—we catch a glimpse of the Power that creates all.

This connection is not limited to spiritual practices or prayer. It manifests in the warmth of a touch, the shared laughter among friends, and the energy exchanged in acts of kindness. Sensuality, in its broadest sense, is an expression of this connection. The joy of a shared meal, the beauty of nature, and even the simple act of holding someone’s hand are all pathways to experiencing the sacred. In this way, our senses become doors to deeper spiritual understanding.

Love as a Path to Spiritual Awakening

Many spiritual traditions emphasize love as the highest form of spiritual expression. Love, in its various forms, opens us to the Divine. Whether through romantic love, familial love, or compassionate service, love is the force that bridges the gap between our individual selves and the greater whole. Love is embodied in our relationships and in our sensual experiences.

In the writings of mystics and poets, we often find language that blurs the line between the sacred and the sensual. Rumi’s poetry, for instance, is filled with imagery of passionate love, not only as a metaphor for spiritual ecstasy but also as a reflection of divine longing. This passion is not separate from spirituality—it is an expression of it. The intimacy we experience with others mirrors the intimacy we can cultivate with Spirit. When we embrace our sensuality with awareness and reverence, we honor the Divine within us and within others.

The Power of Presence

A recurring theme in both spiritual practice and sensual experience is the power of presence. In meditation, we are taught to be fully present, to bring our awareness into the here and now. Similarly, in moments of deep connection—whether through touch, shared silence, or attentive listening—we tap into the same presence. Sensuality invites us to be fully in our bodies, to engage with life’s richness through our senses, and to experience the Divine in each moment.

This presence transforms ordinary experiences into sacred encounters. When approached with mindfulness, a shared glance, the warmth of sunlight on our skin, or the taste of a well-prepared meal can become moments of spiritual awakening. By being fully present in our sensual experiences, we access the same depth of awareness that spiritual practices cultivate.

Reclaiming Wholeness

For many, the separation between spirituality and sensuality has led to feelings of shame, guilt, or confusion. Historical teachings have often framed the body and its desires as obstacles to spiritual growth.  Spirit is present in all things, and our bodies, desires, and sensual experiences are not to be rejected—they are to be embraced as integral parts of our spiritual journey.

Reclaiming this wholeness involves letting go of outdated narratives that pit the spiritual against the sensual. Instead, we are invited to see our sensuality as a sacred gift, a means of expressing and experiencing the Divine. By integrating our spirituality and sensuality, we honor the fullness of our being. We are not separate from Spirit; we are expressions of it in both our highest ideals and our deepest desires.

The Dance of Spirit and Flesh

In the dance between spirit and flesh, neither partner is meant to dominate the other. They move in harmony, each enhancing the other's beauty. Our spirituality is enriched when we embrace our sensuality with reverence, and our sensual experiences are deepened when infused with spiritual awareness. Life, in all its fullness, is a sacred expression of the Divine. Whether through prayer, meditation, touch, or love, each moment is an opportunity to celebrate this truth.

As we open ourselves to both the spiritual and sensual dimensions of life, we discover that they are not separate paths but one continuous journey—a journey that leads us deeper into the heart of the Divine, where all aspects of our being are welcomed, celebrated, and loved.


Edward Viljoen

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Saturday, August 17, 2024

The intersections of spirituality, sexuality, and healing from shame. Sunday, August 18 with Dr. Edward Viljoen

You’re warmly invited to join us this Sunday, August 18th, for a service that takes a deep dive into a topic often avoided in spiritual circles. As part of our "Unstatus Quo" series, we’ll explore the intersections of spirituality, sexuality, and healing from shame. With affirmations centered on self-love and acceptance, we will open a sacred space to examine how past teachings may have shaped our views on human experiences.

Service Times:

  • 9:00 am (In person and on YouTube)
  • 11:00 am (In person)

This message is designed to help us gently reflect on our individual journeys and how our spiritual beliefs can support a healthy, empowered approach to life. Through shared stories, compassionate conversation, and the principles of Science of Mind, we’ll discover ways to embrace all aspects of our being—spiritual and sensual alike.

Whether you’re in a place of ease or discomfort with these topics, your presence and consciousness are welcome as we explore together. Let’s meet this moment with love, curiosity, and mutual respect.

We look forward to seeing you there!

In love and light,

Edward Viljoen

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Sunday, August 11, 2024

When Spirituality Hurts, Today with Dr. Edward Viljoen, 8/11/2024

Hello, dear friends and community members of the Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa!

As we navigate the complexities of life, there are moments when spiritual teachings, though intended to guide us, can sometimes cause us pain. This Sunday, August 11, at our 9 am and 11 am services, I invite you to explore this tender topic with us as we delve into when spirituality hurts us and learn how to prevent that hurt from continuing.

Engage Your Compassionate Curiosity

We'll reflect on the challenges that arise when spiritual principles are misunderstood or applied without compassion. We'll also explore how to engage with spiritual curiosity, particularly when interacting with those who are experiencing pain or hardship. Rather than trying to fix or explain away their struggles, we can learn to be present, to listen deeply, and to offer support in a way that honors their experience.

This message is relevant not only to those who have been hurt by spirituality but also to anyone seeking to deepen their spiritual practice by becoming more compassionate and empathetic. Whether you're attending in person, tuning in on YouTube, or listening through our radio program or podcast, you'll find a space that welcomes and affirms you.

What to Expect Today:

  • An exploration of how misapplied spiritual teachings can cause pain.
  • Guidance on how to tune into your spiritual curiosity and respond with compassion and presence.
  • Real-life stories that illustrate the power of compassion and the harm of oversimplified spiritual advice.

You are invited to join us in person at either our 9 a.m. or 11 a.m. service. If you prefer to connect from the comfort of your home, you can watch our service live on our YouTube channel or listen to our radio program or podcast. For more information on how to access our services in different ways, please visit www.cslsr.org and click on the "Media" tab.

Whether you’re new to our community or have been with us for years, we welcome you to explore these important topics with us. Come with an open heart, and leave with a renewed sense of connection and purpose.

We look forward to seeing you on Sunday!

With warmth and gratitude,

Edward Viljoen

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