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Saturday, March 8, 2025

The Still Small Voice Within: An Invitation to Listen Deeply

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Have you ever felt a quiet nudge guiding you? A whisper of wisdom just beneath the surface of your thoughts? This Sunday at the Center for Spiritual Living Santa Rosa, we will explore the art of listening to the Still Small Voice within—the presence of the Living Spirit that moves through each of us.

So often, the noise of life fills our minds—worries, opinions, endless to-do lists. But beneath that chatter lies something deeper, something calm, clear, and compassionate. The Living Spirit's voice reveals itself subtly, inviting us to step beyond our habitual thoughts and into a space of greater knowing. The great mystics, poets, and spiritual teachers have all pointed to this inner presence—this unwavering guide that calls us to peace, love, and wisdom.

But how do we hear it? How do we quiet the distractions and attune ourselves to its gentle wisdom? This Sunday, we will explore three key takeaways:
  • The Power of Stillness – True guidance emerges when we create space to listen. As we practice emptiness—letting go of the mind’s clutter—we make room for the divine presence to be known.

  • The Practice of Surrender – Surrender is not about giving up; it’s about releasing resistance. Whether through silent meditation, heartfelt prayer, or an act of deep trust, we allow ourselves to be led by something greater than our limited perceptions.

  • The Presence of Love – Love is not something we must chase; it is already within us, as close as our next breath. When we recognize that we are never separate from the Divine, we begin to move through life gracefully, knowing that guidance is always available.
Join us as we turn inward to listen, to empty ourselves of distractions, and to welcome the quiet wisdom that has always been here. Through story, reflection, and shared practice, we will open ourselves to the deep peace of knowing and trusting the Still Small Voice within.

When & Where:
Sunday, March 9, 2025
9:00 AM & 11:00 AM
In person at Center for Spiritual Living Santa Rosa
Or join us live on YouTube

Come as you are. Be still. Listen. The Voice within is waiting.

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