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Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Open to Possibilities - Living in the Question

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Heraclitus, the ancient Greek philosopher, explained that "The Lord whose oracle is at Delphi neither indicates clearly nor conceals but gives a sign."  In other words, the utterances of the oracle were famously ambiguous and had to be interpreted.  

The spiritual practice of visioning can sometimes be like a visit to the oracle. It requires no journey and no third party between you, me, and the Divine. However, because the Divine can be expressed a new way, something we've not experienced or known before, we may have to interpret what comes through. And also, we must not be too quick to give up or reject ideas if at first, we don't understand them.

Our statement of belief says that we believe in the direct revelation of truth through our intuitive and spiritual nature and that anyone may become a revealer of truth who lives in close contact with the indwelling God.

Visioning is a practice that allows us to develop a sense of close contact with the indwelling Mind of Creation.

To watch this week's video on YouTube, click here.

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