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Sunday, December 24, 2023

Will You Be There to Add Your Light?

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You are warmly invited to our Christmas Eve Candle Lighting Ceremony. This gathering is a time to reflect on the beauty and power of pausing for a day to embrace love and compassion as the foundation for a better world.

Our ceremony is inspired by historical events and personal reflections. The story of the Christmas Truce of 1914, as reported by The New York Times, is a poignant example. Despite being in the midst of World War I, soldiers on the Western Front ceased fighting on Christmas Day, sharing a rare moment of peace and camaraderie. This act of humanity, though later condemned, serves as a reminder of the power of goodwill even amidst conflict.

Today, as we face our own challenges and conflicts, both globally and closer to home, we find ourselves reflecting on the necessity of courage and empathy. The situation in Gaza, for example, demands our attention and compassion, challenging us to step out of our comfort zones and seek the truth, even when it's difficult.

This Christmas Eve, we gather not only to celebrate but also to remind ourselves of our role in fostering peace and goodwill. We light candles as a symbol of hope, reflection, and a commitment to action. Just as Henry Wadsworth Longfellow found hope through the Christmas bells amid his personal despair, we, too, seek to find that glimmer of hope in our current times.

Our ceremony is not about adhering to dogmatic beliefs or historical accuracies. It's about connecting with our humanity, remembering those suffering, and standing up for what is right. We remember the humble beginnings of figures like Jesus, who stood for love, compassion, and justice, challenging us to do the same.

So, join us this evening as we light our candles. Let us remind ourselves that love and compassion are crucial, especially in times of adversity. Let's stand together, in the spirit of the Christmas story, to reaffirm our commitment to a world filled with more love, peace, and understanding.

We look forward to sharing this special evening with you.


Two identical services: one at 6 pm and the other at 8 pm.

After a message from Dr. Edward, we will light candles accompanied by sacred music of the season performed by music director Christopher Fritzsche and friends.

Stepping Stones Books and Gifts will be open from 5 to 8 pm.

The 6 pm service will be broadcast on our website, Facebook, and YouTube using the same links as those for the Sunday service: https://cslsr.org/new-sunday-links/

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