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Sunday, August 25, 2024

Celebrate Wholeness with Us Today!

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Good morning, beloved community,

Today, I’m inviting you to a celebration service that touches on the truth about wholeness and disability. We’ll gather at 9 AM in person or on YouTube and again at 11 AM in person. I hope you can be there.

This morning's message is inspired by an experience I had years ago that forever shaped my understanding of wholeness. I was working at a health food café when I met a customer with cerebral palsy who struggled with the dish I served her. In my eagerness to help, I mistakenly took control instead of listening, making things harder for her. What followed was a humbling lesson in understanding that wholeness includes us as we are—without needing to fit into narrow ideas of what is “normal.”

Our teaching reminds us that wholeness isn’t defined by outward standards like perfect strength, health, or mental state. True wholeness encompasses the full range of human experience and includes each of us exactly as we are, even as we grow, heal, and change.

Who Defines Wholeness?

In today’s service, we’ll reflect on how society often confuses wholeness with unrealistic ideals. These pressures can lead us to judge ourselves and others harshly, striving to meet standards that exclude anyone who doesn’t fit neatly within them. Yet, each of us carries a spark of creative power within that invites us to express our unique gifts and live fully—regardless of what “normal” may suggest.

We’ll also explore stories like Joni Eareckson Tada’s, who found that embracing life within her circumstances brought her more profound joy and purpose than trying to change what couldn’t be changed. Her journey reminds us that wholeness is about finding authentic self-expression in whatever reality we find ourselves in.

Our community is committed to making this message of inclusivity tangible. From accessible facilities to Zoom options and Spanish-language offerings, we strive to create a space where everyone feels welcome. And we’re always learning how to improve—not just in our physical spaces, but in how we approach each other openly and respectfully.

Challenge Your Assumptions

In the service, we’ll ask some questions that challenge our assumptions about those who are differently abled: What stories do we tell ourselves when we encounter someone who doesn’t fit into our idea of normal? Can we be fully present with others without needing them to be different from who they are?

These reflections are just a starting point. If you’re interested in diving deeper into these themes, I encourage you to consider Rev. Russ’s upcoming Spiritual Principles and Practices class. The class starts next week, and scholarships are available for those who need them. In the classroom environment, we can explore these ideas in depth and learn how to apply them in our daily lives.

One of the unexpected gifts I’ve received from this teaching is that there isn’t a single “right” way to have a body or mind. As Og Mandino says in The Greatest Miracle in the World, each of us is a one-of-a-kind miracle, a unique expression that has never existed before and will never exist again. Our differences are not just necessary—they’re the fabric of what makes us whole.

As we gather today, I invite you to celebrate your unique journey of wholeness and hold space for the diverse ways others experience theirs. Together, we affirm that every part of our community is vital, valuable, and part of the greater whole.

With love and appreciation,


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