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Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Embracing the Gifts of Life

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Dear spiritual community,

In the enlightening words of Dr. Ernest Holmes, shared in his revolutionary work, "The Science of Mind," we discover the beautiful interplay between Life and ourselves. We are reminded that Life's essence is to offer, and ours is to receive. In this grand symphony of existence, Life, as the infinite source of goodness, has created us to welcome and accept all it has to give.

I often hear the familiar adage, "The gift without the giver is bare." Yet, the giver remains unfulfilled without someone to receive the gift.

Consider then that you and I also have the option to receive the love, ease, peace, joy, and meaningful experiences that are also part of Life.

It is also said that Life's abundant goodness is a gift freely offered without conditions.

With that in mind, also consider that you are not required to prove your worthiness or pay dues to deserve the bounties that are also present in Life. Perhaps this consideration will help you, as it helped me, to cultivate self-acceptance by acknowledging that I am, spiritually speaking, as deserving as anyone to enjoy life's blessings. My journey, then, became to open my heart to welcome favorable comments, compliments, and whatever goodness that seeks to find its way to me.

If you have not already begun this practice, I invite you to allow yourself to receive with grace and gratitude, knowing that you are worthy of Life.

Love and blessings,

Edward Viljoen

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