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Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Faith. What Do You Trust To See Clearly? A Spiritual Guide to Voting

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What is the filter through which you will look when voting this year?  As a spiritual community, we have the opportunity to put our spiritual values, vision, and principles first when making important life decisions.  Whether that is in voting, or in choosing a new career path, or anything, taking a moment to get clear on what is spiritually important to you, can make the world of difference.

We have provided a spiritual guide to voting for you to use this election year.  The guide is nonpartisan and can be adapted to any faith tradition.  The guide includes resources that you can use if you, or someone you know, is a first-time voter, and, it includes reflection questions to stimulate conversation among family members, neighbors, and friends, about the key issues facing our nation from a spiritual perspective.

It is quite a burden lifted when we realize that we do not have to move the world – it is going to move anyway. This realization does not lessen our duty or our social obligation. It clarifies it. It enables us to do joyously, and free from morbidity, that which we should do in the social state.
Dr. Ernest Holmes
The Science of Mind (p. 270.5)

To see this week's video on YouTube, click here.


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