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Friday, February 26, 2010

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New music video filmed by Blixem productions for South African acapella group, Flip-a-coin.

This video was filmed in Potchefstroom and a Sony HVR-Z1E camera was used.


  1. Wow they are great, I was half-way thru the song, could not understand a word of course, when I said wait a minute didn't it say they were acapella and then I listen and said OMG thats amasing.

  2. Good Morning Edward!
    I like the features on this new blog template. I wanted to let you know that on my system I was unable to access world essentials through the tab at the top. :^( The video link took me to the CSL spirit tv site but your videos did not upload for some reason. You may already know this, sorry if I repeat. The CSLSR link worked as did the bookstore link. No need to post this. I look forward to seeing you this morning at our gathering. Blessings, Sanna

  3. Wow they are great, I was half-way thru the song, could not understand a word of course, when I said wait a minute didn't it say they were acapella and then I listen and said OMG thats amasing.

  4. Good Morning Edward!
    I like the features on this new blog template. I wanted to let you know that on my system I was unable to access world essentials through the tab at the top. :^( The video link took me to the CSL spirit tv site but your videos did not upload for some reason. You may already know this, sorry if I repeat. The CSLSR link worked as did the bookstore link. No need to post this. I look forward to seeing you this morning at our gathering. Blessings, Sanna


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