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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Barbara Kingsolver Stories

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I am in the current play at SRJC opening this month and running until Feb 7. Barbara Kingsolver Stories is done in Word-For-Word style by the actors. Director John Shillington has created two stunning one act plays from Kingsolver stories Why I Am A Danger To The Public and Rose Johnny. I look forward to seeing you there!

Additionally, there is one performance at the Petaluma Campus' new Carole Ellis Hall on January 28 at 8:00 pm.

Jennifer Mann, RScP
Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa
"I am open to Life beyond my wildest dreams"

Extracted from Wikipedia:

Kingsolver was born in Annapolis, Maryland, spent some of her childhood in Africa where her father was a medical doctor, and grew up near Carlisle, Kentucky.

Kingsolver attended DePauw University in Greencastle, Indiana on a music scholarship, studying classical piano. Eventually, however, she changed her major to biology.

In the late 1970s, Kingsolver lived in a number of places, including Greece, France, and Tucson, Arizona, working variously as an archaeological digger, copy editor, housecleaner, biological researcher and translator. She earned a Master's degree in ecology and evolutionary biology at the University of Arizona. Deciding after that to quit biology and become a writer, and not wanting to admit that to her thesis advisors, she told them that she had to care for an (imaginary) injured relative.[4] She then took a job as a science writer for the university. The science writing led to some freelance feature writing and journalism. In 1986, she won an Arizona Press Club award for outstanding feature writing. Her first novel, The Bean Trees, was published in 1988.

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