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Saturday, March 1, 2025

Navigating the Tides of Life – A Sunday Experience You Won’t Want to Miss

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Life moves fast—faster than ever in our digital world. Between constant notifications, overflowing to-do lists, and the endless stream of news, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. What if there was a way to navigate life with more ease, clarity, and balance?

This Sunday, we’ll explore three powerful practices that will help you move with, rather than against, the currents of life:

Creating Meaningful Pauses – Learn how taking intentional breaks throughout your day can sharpen your focus, lower stress, and reconnect you to your inner wisdom. Small pauses create big shifts!

Watching from Silence – Discover how stepping into stillness allows deeper insight to emerge. When we quiet the mind, we open the door to clarity, creativity, and intuitive guidance.

Flowing with Life – Going with the flow doesn’t mean being passive. It means learning to discern which currents to follow and how to align with the Creative Power that moves through all things.

Join us this Sunday as we dive into these transformative ideas, sharing real-life examples and practical tools you can use immediately. Whether you’re feeling stuck, stressed, or simply seeking a greater sense of peace, this experience will offer something meaningful for you.

Sunday, March 2nd
Services at 9 AM & 11 AM
In Person & on Zoom 

Come as you are, and leave feeling refreshed, inspired, and ready to confidently ride the waves of life. We can’t wait to see you!

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