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Thursday, September 3, 2009

Mary Oliver

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Dear Edward,

Having missed your sermon on sunday, I just listened to it on CD and it nourished me, particularly the bouyancy of your voice. Here is a sweet Mary Oliver poem that speaks to your theme.

With work as my primary addiction, the anxiety about not doing enough has been Big in my life. Our spiritual community's loving support has penetrated deep into my being, empowering me to discover that the emptiness I so feared is full of Light, Love and Peace. I am finding that I belong with a perfect fit in the world, just as I am, whether in action or in stillness. I am so grateful for the beautiful reflection and companionship of my spiritual family on this ever-flowing journey.

Song of the Builders

On a summer morning
I sat down
on a hillside
to think about God -

a worthy pastime.
Near me, I saw
a single cricket;
it was moving the grains of the hillside

this way and that way.
How great was its energy,
how humble its effort.
Let us hope

it will always be like this,
each of us going on
in our inexplicable ways
building the universe.

~ Mary Oliver ~

(Why I Wake Early)

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