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Thursday, December 27, 2007


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  • I allow myself to dip deeply into my Divine nature.
    SOM pp. 559
  • The magnanimous know very well that they who give time, or money, or shelter, to the stranger - so be it done for love, and not for ostentation - do, as it were, put God under obligation to them, so perfect are the compensations of the universe.
    Ralph Waldo Emerson

When we give with the simple motive to impart love to our world, we place ourselves in a state of grace that returns to us love in the form of our needs. There is no system of measurement in giving. We cannot give to receive. We cannot give money to receive wealth. We cannot volunteer time to receive more leisure time. We cannot give of our possessions to build up a household of treasure. Giving to receive is a caculated transaction that is somewhat different from the desire to express love.

If we allow ourselves to dip deeply into our true nature, we will find that we have plenty from which to draw. The rewards come not from what is given, but from the spirit of graciousness and the openness of the heart that gives it. The reward can never be the goal of giving, for in the moment we desire reciprocation, we remove ourselves from the flow of love and separate ourselves from the joy of giving.

I dip deep into my Divine nature. I find within an endless desire to give, to share and to nurture. Today I allow my motives to be centered in Love. I expect only to give freely - letting the results of my giving fall as they may. I give thanks for my life and all that is in it.

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