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Friday, June 28, 2024

Join Us for Our 70th Anniversary Celebration Service

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We are thrilled to invite you to a special celebration service on Sunday, June 30, at 10 am to honor our 70th anniversary. This is a significant milestone in our community’s journey, and we would love for you to participate.

Important Details:

  • Service Time: 10 am (arrive early)
  • Carpooling: Strongly encouraged to ease parking and reduce our environmental footprint
  • Extended Music Program: Featuring a special performance by our choir

Why Arrive Early and Carpool?

Arriving early ensures you get a good seat and helps us start the celebration smoothly. Carpooling not only helps with limited parking space but also fosters community spirit. Plus, it’s a great way to reduce traffic congestion and environmental impact.

A Walk Down Memory Lane

On July 26, 1998, our community gathered outside in the parking lot, waiting for clearance from the fire department to have our first service. The topic was, "How did we get here today?" and it remains a relevant question. We got here because, some time ago, we caught a vision for our lives, took a risk, and followed up with action.

Celebrating Our Community

This anniversary celebration is not just a look back at our past but a tribute to everyone who has contributed to our community’s success. Special flower dedications will honor dear friends whose spirits and contributions remain with us.

Music and More

Our choir will perform, and we have planned an extended music program to make this Sunday even more special. It will be a wonderful time to connect, reflect, and rejoice.

Moving Forward Together

As we look to the future, let's remember the courage and commitment it took to get here. We’ve moved from being renters to homeowners, a parable for life itself. Owning your dream means taking responsibility and making your life a proper home for Spirit.

Special Thanks

We are incredibly grateful for our staff and volunteers' hard work and dedication. Your contributions make our community vibrant and welcoming.

Join us in celebrating our journey, community, and bright future. Let’s continue to nurture our dreams and support each other as we move forward.

See you on Sunday, June 30!

With love and gratitude,


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