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Saturday, June 8, 2024

Join Us for "Fired Up!" – A Celebration with Dr. Edward Viljoen

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In these challenging times, staying inspired and focused can be tough. The world is filled with difficult-to-digest and accept events, often happening in our name and funded by our tax dollars. Yet, our spiritual journey calls us to face these difficulties, not ignore them.

Join us this Sunday at 9 or 11 a.m. for a special celebration with Dr. Edward Viljoen. We will delve into the theme of being "Fired Up!" Let's explore together how we can maintain a clear, compassionate, and creative mindset in the face of life's challenges.

Recap from Last Week's Message

Last week, we explored these four key points:

  • The Challenge of Staying Fired Up: The current global situation makes it hard to get excited and engaged.
  • Spirituality's Purpose: It isn’t about turning a blind eye to difficulties but facing them with strength.
  • Turning Inward for Guidance: In our spiritual work, we should focus on the source of creativity and power within for direction and inspiration.
  • Staying on Task: Change in the world can take time; we must stay focused and on task.

This week, we’re zooming in on that last point: Stay on task, stay focused, don’t give up, and don’t lose hope. Someone somewhere needs us to maintain a clear, compassionate, and creative mindset. This is the mandate of our movement’s vision—to move toward a world that works a little better for everyone.

Why This Matters

I've spoken to many people recently who are struggling. They feel the collective pain and suffering, making it hard to cope with everyday challenges—relationships, communication, health, and navigating unusual emotions. They find it difficult to get excited about life.

If you’re feeling this way, it’s okay. Being sad and disoriented is appropriate; it means your heart, soul, and humanity are still functioning.

As spiritual beings guided by love, compassion, equity, and integrity, we often intensely feel these times' pain. It’s normal to be troubled and to struggle with questions such as:

  • How do I pray when my soul is disturbed?
  • How do I practice what Dr. Ernest Holmes advised? Holmes wrote: “Someday we shall learn to lay our burdens on the altar of Love, that they may be consumed by the fire of confidence in the Living Spirit” (Science of Mind, p. 335).

Finding the Way Forward

Holmes emphasized that our prayers should be filled with conviction, warmth, and imagination. We are asked to bring our heart, mind, and soul to the feeling we want to amplify in the world and become it. This doesn’t mean being peppy or cheerful. The love we express can be deep, serious, and sober.

Holmes also wrote: “Love is the central flame of the universe, the very fire itself. The essence of Love, while elusive, pervades everything, fires the heart, stimulates the emotions, renews the soul, and proclaims the Spirit” (Science of Mind, p. 478).

By facing the world, feeling its disturbances, and tapping into our deep feelings of love, we can let that love fire up our hearts and stimulate our emotions. This gives us the courage to speak about the horrors of war and other challenges with holy boldness.

Practical Application

Our teachings are deeply demanding. They require us to tune into, express, and channel the central flame of love repeatedly. This practice helps us stay connected to our responsibilities and prevents us from becoming dependent on external sources.

Consider watering a plant from deep at the roots rather than from the surface. Similarly, we must feed ourselves spiritually from deep within. This means putting our attention on ideas that uplift and inspire us, such as:

  • I am in partnership with the Infinite.
  • Infinite Intelligence is the reality behind all things.
  • I am a channel through which that Intelligence flows.

These affirmations can re-center our thoughts and help us respond rather than react to the world’s challenges.

Your Invitation

We invite you to join us this Sunday at 9 or 11 am with Dr. Edward Viljoen. Let's gather as a community to get fired up, stay on task, and maintain our hope and focus. Together, we can embody the central flame of love and inspire change in the world.

Next week, we'll explore "Unbounded and Unstoppable," sharing inspiring stories of audacious, fired-up, and unstoppable people. We look forward to seeing you and sharing in this journey of holy boldness.

Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

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