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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Dr. Edward Viljoen and Gary Lynn Floyd June 22

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This Sunday, I invite you to join us for an uplifting celebration service with Dr. Edward Viljoen and music by the talented Gary Lynn Floyd. We gather on June 22 at 9:00 AM or 11:00 AM to explore the depths of our spiritual journey and celebrate our theme for the month: Boldness—spiritual boldness.

Throughout June, we’ve been on a path of discovery:

  • Audacity and bravery
  • Staying on track and inspired despite challenges
  • Rev. Russ’s insightful message on being unbounded and unstoppable

This week, our focus is on "Higher Heights"—a continuation of our journey where our consciousness expands with every experience, whether joyful or challenging. We will explore how to tap into our creative spirit, reconnect with our inner life, and draw upon the strength within us.

The world can be disheartening at times, but as we learn to depend on our inner resources, we find peace that is not influenced by external factors. I will share insights on spiritual boldness and how our internal resources guide us through life’s experiences, help us achieve freedom in consciousness, and inspire us to continue our journey even when faced with obstacles.

Last Wednesday, we celebrated our Juneteenth Community Summer Solstice Potluck, reflecting on the freedom achieved in 1865. We were moved by the profound words of Celeste Austin, Olivia Kinzler, and Lawrence Edwards. Lawrence’s reflection on envisioning freedom despite no visible evidence resonated deeply with me, highlighting the power of vision and inner strength.

We draw inspiration from the stories of those like Harriet Tubman, who faced unimaginable obstacles yet found the courage to secure her freedom and assist others. This Sunday, we’ll reflect on how such courage can guide us through our own challenges and help us reach higher heights.

In moments of insecurity, we might recall Maya Angelou's practice of calling upon the kindness and support of those who have been part of our lives. She spoke of bringing everyone who had ever been kind to her with her in challenging times, illustrating the power of collective memory and spiritual support.

We also look to the inspiring example of Anthony Ray Hinton, who found freedom in his mind while unjustly imprisoned. His story in The Sun Does Shine teaches us that even when our circumstances seem dire, we can use our imagination and inner resources to create a world of freedom and possibility.

In our service, we will discuss how to:

  • Embrace spiritual boldness and internal resources to navigate life’s experiences
  • Cultivate freedom in consciousness, even when faced with external limitations
  • Persevere through life’s obstacles, drawing strength from our past experiences and nurturing a vision for a better future.

The creative power of our minds enriches our journey. Please reflect on how you can use your imagination and inner strength to rise above challenges and contribute to a world of freedom, inclusion, and equality.

Let’s come together and celebrate this journey of spiritual boldness, where we strive to reach higher heights and create a positive impact for ourselves and future generations.

Join us this Sunday at 9:00 AM or 11:00 AM, and let’s continue to explore the transformative power of spiritual boldness. I look forward to seeing you there.

In peace and possibility,

Dr. Edward Viljoen

Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa
2075 Occidental Road, Santa Rosa, CA 95401
(707) 546-4543

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