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Sunday, March 3, 2024

Is What I'm Upset About Worth Being Upset About? If So, Let Me Act in A Way I Haven't Before

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We gather for services at 9 and 11 am, embracing a theme that challenges us to confront the familiar with fresh eyes and an adventurous spirit. "That's How We've Never Done It!" encapsulates our call to explore life's boundless opportunities, urging us not to be constrained by past experiences but to venture into the uncharted territories of our lives with energy and creativity.

Yet, as I reflect on the excitement of discovery and the joy of new beginnings, I'm also acutely aware of the world's complex realities. The excitement of imagining what's possible coexists with the gravity of current global challenges. It's a delicate balance to maintain, holding space for both tomorrow's potential and today's pressing concerns.

The recent years have been transformative, to say the least. The pandemic, social movements, and ongoing global conflicts, like those in Gaza, have not only tested our resilience but also sharpened our focus on what truly matters. These events remind us of our shared humanity, the power of unity, and the importance of staying connected to the world around us, even as we seek to transcend its immediate troubles.

As I listened to a poignant story on public radio about a displaced family in Gaza, the resilience and dignity of individuals facing unimaginable adversity struck a chord with me. It reminded me that maintaining focus amidst chaos is not just a survival tactic but a profound lesson in prioritizing what's truly important.

In these sensitive times, our theme, "That's How We've Never Done It," is an invitation to reimagine how we can live and support one another differently. It challenges me to shift my focus from minor irritations to what brings true meaning to my life and take action to support those who have no voice. This reevaluation is not about ignoring the challenges we face but about finding ways to navigate them with heart and purpose.

Reflecting on conversations with colleagues like Rev. Shiela McKeithan, I'm reminded that now, more than ever, is the time to deepen our spiritual practice. It's a call to action, to not withdraw but to engage more fully with the world, to bring our most compassionate selves to the forefront of every interaction, whether in our personal relationships or in our broader community engagements.

This moment in history is a collective awakening, a realization that we are all interconnected parts of a global society. It's an acknowledgment that our actions, or inactions, have a profound impact on the world. Embracing this understanding, I'm committed to upleveling my spiritual practice, to serving as a beacon of hope and healing in a world that so desperately needs it.

In this spirit, I invite each of you to join us today, not just to learn about setting intentions but to actively participate in a communal journey towards deeper understanding, compassion, and action. It is my intention that today's service will inspire us to explore how we can each contribute to a more loving, just, and vibrant world, starting with the intentions we set and the actions we take.

Together, let's step into our compassionate hearts, fueled with the courage to imagine, the willingness to act, and the wisdom to navigate the complexities of our time with grace and determination. Let's not be content with the status quo but dare to dream of what could be, so that the energy of our imagination can guide us to speak, act, and pray in support of a world that refocuses value on sentient life.


This afternoon, we open our doors to a workshop designed for all who wish to learn the art of setting intentions that propel us forward with purpose and inventiveness. This session is not merely about envisioning the future; it's a deep dive into the practices that allow us to draw from life's infinite wellspring with intention and grace.

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