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Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Your Superpower of Charity and How It Can Guide You Through Election Time

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Charity is a superpower. Although we did not create our capacity to be kind, generous, and loving, we can activate. And when we do, we set in motion a Power greater than we are that helps evolve our world so that it works a little better for all.  Charity to me means to be generous with my thought, possessions, and time, to make generous assumptions about others, to help, contribute, give, and share. 
It may seem counter-intuitive to talk about generosity right now. Times are difficult, and there is so much stress, and being a human is getting more and more complicated.  The inclination may be to withdraw, to self-protect.

Here's why it's important to use our superpower of charity: because generosity, giving, sharing, caring, loving are well known to:

  • rebalance our mind, body, and soul,
  • relieve the pressures of fear, isolation, and confusion.
  • make a positive difference to others
  • have emotional, physical, and even material benefits
  • bring meaning, connection, fulfilment
  • benefit to the ones giving it and the ones receiving it.

That's why.

To see this week's video about the virtue of charity, and how it relates to the upcoming election cycle, click this link.

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