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Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Spiritual Growth in Action

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You may have heard the phrase: I don’t see color? Some say that, meaning to refer to the oneness of all life. Here is another way to think about color. It comes from the content providers for this week’s suggested theme, Color Blind, or Color full:

Can you imagine looking at a beautiful garden that has flowers with many different colors, textures, and heights, but not being able to see the variations in color because you are blind to the variety?

Imagine instead, not only seeing all the colors our eyes are capable of seeing but enjoying them, being interested and curious about them, because after all, they are created by the Divine.

Though the idea of color blindness might be considered as an inclusive, consider this, that to see and appreciate color is to truly see and appreciation people for who they are. I think this is the meaning in the statement from our founder, Dr. EH, that Unity and uniformity are not the same thing.

Our different life experiences make us different from each other. And that is worth celebrating and exploring. We live in a world that is abundantly diverse with each of us expressing the Divine is our own colorful way.

Here are three ideas to consider this week:

1. Oneness is not Sameness.

2. Diversity is the natural state of creation

3. We are connected with those that are different:

It is a common idea in our world today, that If someone doesn’t believe or think or even look like we do, they could not possibly be connected to us.

Our call to action this week might be this. If we are interested in embodying Oneness, try being in conversation with people who have differing worldview with the intention to listen to and take in the differences, because in that kind of being open, we get a glimpse of what Oneness is.

To see this week's video featuring Rev. Joyce Duffala on YouTube click here.

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