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Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Goodness, Peace, Mercy, Justice, and Truth, with Edward Viljoen, author of Ordinary Goodness

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Dr. Edward Viljoen, author of The Power of Meditation, and Ordinary Goodness, speaks at The Center for Spiritual Living, Santa Rosa

Goodness, Peace, Mercy, Justice, and Truth” is our topic today. It comes from The Global Vision of a world that works for everyone, which is the vision of our movement, Centers for Spiritual Living.

This is an engaging vision in a world where different thoughts and ideas are part of our reality. “We need this variety,” writes Ernest Holmes in Ten Ideas That Make a Difference (p. 65), and he asks us if we are flexible enough to know that everyone does not have to
think alike in order to live together harmoniously. This week we consider reaching across differences of opinion to the common ground upon which we stand. What does peace and just mean to you? What does it mean to live in the consciousness of goodness and mercy? How is Life calling you to act and speak? To bring peace and harmony into our world, it is important that we see others with sympathetic understanding, a strong commitment to truth, and being an advocate for freedom.

Join me in affirming this week, “Rising to my greatest self, I now step into seeing members of our human family with a deeper understanding and feeling of connectedness beyond my familiar. I discover an expanded love flowing as me. Ignited by the power of this sense of freedom, I’m ignited with the conviction to do my part to ensure all are experiencing justice, equity of opportunity, joy, and abundance in every dimension of living. Feeling a profound sense of peace, I know all is well! It is done!”

I invite you to join me in affirming this idea and posting it on the social media of your choice. If you have done so, I would love to hear from you about the results. You can email me at edward@cslsr.org. I’d love to hear from you. Remember to tag your affirmation with the tags #TheGlobalVision and #AWorldThatWorksForEveryone

Warm regards,
Edward Viljoen

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