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Monday, December 1, 2014

World Aids Day - December 1, 2014 - Remembering

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World Aids Day, December 1, 2014, and I'm remembering the young men and women I watched die - so many of them, often rejected by their family and society, and often surrounded by people who were afraid to even touch them.

Their feelings of isolation and despair have never left me. It was difficult in those times to maintain faith in goodness. But I have not given up because of the generosity and ordinary goodness of so many people who are working together to bring relief and compassion to a world hungry for it.

Thank you for your support.

On October 15, 2014, I asked my AIDS Lifecycle mentor, Dr. David Bruner, when I should start fundraising. I received a text back saying "TODAY," along with my first donation from him and Mauricio! Thank you! I'm going, and I am officially started and have received so much more than the dollars (which I'm grateful for) but also the expressions of love and support, the threats (you better complete the ride or I want my money back, you know who you are!) and the compassion.

Seven Days Through California

AIDS/LifeCycle is a fully supported, 7-day bike ride from San Francisco to Los Angeles to raise money and awareness in the fight against HIV/AIDS. AIDS/LifeCycle 2015 will take place May 31st through June 6th, 2015. Every year, this landmark ride through beautiful California delivers a life-changing experience for thousands of participants from all backgrounds and fitness levels united by a common desire to do something heroic.

This will be my first ride and my thighs already think I'm crazy.

Creative Ideas to Inspire

One of the riders this year, Dave Nugent, has a creative and inspiring approach to suggesting donations.  (He even accepts Bitcoin...what!!?  so awesome.)  Here's what he suggests:
  • $1,981 The year AIDS was first clinically observed in the US
  • $545 One dollar for every mile in the LifeCycle ride
  • $250 can help provide ten Rapid HIV Antibody test to test ten people at Magnet, Stop AIDS, or other SFAF sites.
  • $175 can help provide case management for 15 HIV-positive clients who are homeless or at-risk for homelessness.
  • $100 can help provide the travel cost for a Stop AIDS Treatment Advocacy Coordinator to attend the medical appointments of 25 clients, providing moral support and to help clients advocate for themselves.
  • $54.50 10 cents for every mile in the LifeCycle ride
  • $35 One dollar for every million of the 35m HIV-infected individuals worldwide
  • $10 can help provide 143 condoms that the Stop AIDS Project will distribute.
We’re working together to make HIV/AIDS a thing of the past.

Thank you for your support to my ride or to any of the riders in this project.
Edward Viljoen
Amazon Author Page

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