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Friday, February 4, 2011

What's On My iPhone - PhotoTropedelic from ArtEngines

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PhotoTropedelic for iPhone by Larry Weinberg ArtEngines produced these photos.   Here is the original photo taken on my iPhone 4 followed by variations produced by adjusting settings in the app such as how many colors to incorporate in the process, whether or not to add stars, circles and ray, adjustments to the line thickness and border reduction and on and on.  

It's a whole lot of fun to run the same photo with different settings. I'm not sure exactly what you would want with a whole lot of "tropedelic' photos - but, er.. I love the app anyway.  And I just noticed a wonderful feature.  I don't know how I missed this.  While it is processing you can watch colors being developed and elements added.  

Then I spotted the 'stop' button and discovered that you can halt the process at a point where it's just how you like it.  Maybe I should start reading the instructions on these apps.  Nah.  Why start now.

And here is a gallery of images on the app web site.

And here is a bunch of Edward products you can get at Stepping Stones Bookstore

And here are more of my articles about iPhone apps

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