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Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Red Jeeps and Cocktails

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Have you ever decided to buy a new car? A friend might say to you, "Have you considered buy a Red Jeep". "A Red Jeep?" you say..."I've never really seen a Red Jeep". "Oh, look, there is one right now parked outside the church" You like it, and you decide to take a closer look at Jeeps.

All of a sudden, the world is filled up with Jeeps. It is as if the Cosmic Mind of God heard you were interested in Jeeps and suddenly started production. Not. They were always there. You just weren't looking for them.

We are very, very sophisticated beings. We can tune out anything we do not want to know, and tune in on the strangest things. Like when we walk into a room and a clock is ticking really loudly, but after a while we tune out the sound....it doesn't stop....we just do not hear it anymore...we reduce the slit through which we see our world ... our reality inside changes, but on the outside things are just as they always were.

Someone once called this ability, "cocktail awareness". When we are at a party, we hear only the conversation we are engaged in, until someone says our name, and whoosh, our attention is dragged to the place.

Reality is an inside job, and perhaps we could be much happier if we paid attention to this.


  1. Ahhhh,The Red Jeep Phenomena. I remember a service you gave at the LBC when I first "came home". You got my attention then and have introduced me to all sorts of phenomena since.

    This comment looks like it's being sent by my grandson, and I can't change it...sigh. I don't know how Joseph "hijacked" my computer. Melanie Wood.......

  2. Ahhhh,The Red Jeep Phenomena. I remember a service you gave at the LBC when I first "came home". You got my attention then and have introduced me to all sorts of phenomena since.

    This comment looks like it's being sent by my grandson, and I can't change it...sigh. I don't know how Joseph "hijacked" my computer. Melanie Wood.......


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