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Saturday, February 23, 2019

Induividual Versus Individualized

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This week's message is brought to us by Rev. Ruth Barnhart. To view it on YouTube, click here.

2019: Spirituality in Action

In our anchor book for this year, 365 Science of Mind, we find a passage by Ernest Holmes to contemplate for every day of the year. Today’s reading includes this affirmation:

“Today I accept this gift of Divine Life and Love that God has eternally given to me and to everyone. With deep gratitude and childlike simplicity, I enter into the joy and the peace that come from the realization of Divine Guidance, for I know that Love guides my thoughts even as It guards my life and action.”

A beautiful way to use this book is to take time first thing in the morning to sit quietly and read the day’s meditation. Then close your eyes and let your thoughts gently roam where they may by considering the question, “How does this uniquely relate to me?” Each of us has access to the gift of Divine Life, and It individually comes through us. We individualize it by the decisions we make regarding how we will express it.


Edward Viljoen

Photo by Rupert Britton on Unsplash

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