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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

In a Balinese garden

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Last year my friend Will and I went to Bali.  I was remembering our trip when communicating with folk interested in going along this year 2011 in August/September.  I'm excited.  The Center in Kansas City is also marketing the trip and between Santa Rosa and Kansas City (and really anyone who would like to go along) I'm hoping to go back to Bali.
Here are the notes and photos from our trip 2010:

On the way to our Eco tour on bicycles we stopped at a coffee making operation..the one where the weasel like creature eats the coffee bean and digests the skin and excretes the bean and then it's roasted into the most expensive coffee of all. I didn't try it.

The gardens use space carefully with a ginger, coffee, ginseng, lemongrass all growing next to each other. It is so fertile that gardeners can just push a bit of root into the ground and it starts to grow.

Massive new fern growth looks like an alien thingy

Bees kept in an open bamboo tube seem perfectly happy to pose for photos

For more information about the 2011 trip, click here

For more posts and photos related to Bali, click here


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