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Friday, July 24, 2009


Share it Please

“Real charity doesn't care if it's tax-deductible or not.”

Dan Bennett

Joy is more than a deep form of happiness. It is more than an emotion that is the result of some event or circumstance. It is more than the opposite of sadness or the absence of depression. Joy is the natural state of one who has learned to take delight in Reality. Try to think of joy as having no cause. Try to think of joy as being present and available. Imagine that you don’t have to do anything to cause it and that you can’t create it because it exists already. This thinking puts us in the best frame of mind to serve and be generous because everything we see and everyone we encounter is an opportunity to experience the natural joy of being.

Can you recall a time when you had a feel of joyfulness that had no particular reason attached to it?

If so, describe it in detail. If not, try to imagine what that would be like.

1 comment:

  1. Joy, with someone that I enjoy spending time so much that we could do anything and be happy doing it. It's like the whole world becames more interesting and clear. I've experienced that sense of wonder alone in nature before too.


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