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Sunday, January 4, 2009

From Rev. Trish Hall - Celebration Center

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There is a dimension of me that regularly monitors my accomplishments to date. At this time of year there is emphasis on taking inventory and setting new directions. It's one of those year-end things to contemplate, "What have I done up until now as this expression of Life I call me." What is mine yet to do? How am I yet to be? Of course, now is the perfect time to address the questions.

These two questions are really good ones to pose each day. These questions deserve to be honored with "real" time not just in fleeting moments because they reveal how each of us to show as an activity of God - what our role is in bringing forth a world that really works for everyone, everywhere - no exceptions.

So I now speak my word on behalf of each of us ... those reading and all of those embraced by all those who are reading this ...

I now release any and all distraction, all concern, all measuring and judging, all consideration for what has been up until this precise moment and now open into that state of bliss in which I KNOW with complete clarity and confidence that God is equally present in, as, around, through and throughout all that is: God is omnipresent. God - the One Mind - is expressing Itself into and as the world of form. God - the One Life - is The Life, the animating force in and as all that is. I know that that is the Truth of my being - that I am one with and inseparable from that One Mind - that my life is an expression of the One Life. I know this is true not only of my life, it is the Truth of all life now and forever. This Truth I KNOW! I hesitate and stay with this contemplation for however long I need in order to fully embrace this knowing - to embody the realization that It is making Itself available to and as me as Divine Intelligence and Wisdom.

At this moment I fall completely open so that the answers to " What is mine yet to do?" and "How am I yet to be?" become known to me. I now have a sensory equivalent far richer than a mental equivalent of what is mine to do and how I am to be. I am instantly aware that all that I could possibly need in order to demonstrate the fulfillment of this sensory equivalent is already imbued in me and available to me. I now awaken to the realization that because it is already known in the Mind of God, I am empowered to bring it forth to its fulfillment. I commit to release anything and everything that may in any way feel like hesitation or resistance, anything unlike grace and ease. I now flow into and as the fulfillment of this awakened state as my life.

In this state of bliss, I experience inexpressible gratitude. I relax, release and simply know It Is So! And so It is!

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