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Thursday, May 8, 2008


Share it Please

Here is a photo of the dance I mentioned in an earlier post. The lead woman offered dance lessons to our group and her son and daughter are accomplished dancers and her husband a famous dancer.

We met the entire family the day after the debut when they stopped in on our morning gathering to bring gifts to each person in the group. We each got an extra carry-bag - much appreciated by those who had by then thoroghly indulged the shopping demon.

I am previewing a facility in a central location, for a potential first or last night stopping place. It is exquisite and it's in the heart of the popular spots.

Last night we had cocktails and snacks in what could have been a club anywhere in the world. Same people same planet same same same different different. Know what I mean? And there I was right in the middle of it all just like I used to be when I was 21 or so and its the same - boof boof boof - heads are gonna hurt in the morning.

It helped a lot to visit the bar because it helped me appreciate the remote areas our journey took us and the emphasis on learning about the culture. Then I remembered this bar is part of the culture too and I started to notice how easily it is for me to slip into either or thinking

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