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Saturday, June 1, 2024

Join Dr. Edward for a Celebration of Sacred Audacity: Sunday, June 2 at 9 or 11 AM

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Dear Beloved Community,

I am delighted to invite you to a special Sunday Celebration Service on June 2nd at 9 AM or 11 AM. This Sunday, we will explore a powerful and transformative theme: Sacred Audacity.

What is Sacred Audacity?

Sacred Audacity is the courage to take bold steps in your imagination, to craft a vision of your life where everything is just right. It's about overcoming the brain's natural negativity bias and the overwhelming challenges of society to envision a brighter future. This practice requires effort and a willingness to dream big, even when it feels irresponsible to do so.

During our service, we will explore how Sacred Audacity can empower us to face and transform life's obstacles. We will discuss the importance of bold imagination and visualization in creating a future aligned with our highest ideals.

Personal Insights and Inspirations

I will also share some personal experiences that exemplify Sacred Audacity. From an emotional visit to the 9/11 memorial in New York City to the inspiring performances on Broadway, these moments highlight the importance of facing life's challenges with courage and creativity.

Workshop on the Power of Visualization

If you're inspired by our morning discussion and want to dive deeper, I invite you to join me for a two-hour workshop this afternoon on the power of visualization. We will practice using Sacred Audacity to envision and manifest a better world for everyone. This is an opportunity to take bold steps in imagining a more harmonious and just world.

Special Celebrations in June

June is a month filled with significant celebrations, each embodying boldness and audacity:

  • Father’s Day: Honoring Sonora Smart Dodd, who tirelessly worked to establish a day celebrating fatherhood.
  • Juneteenth: Commemorating the emancipation of the last enslaved people in Texas and recognizing the ongoing journey towards true freedom and equality.
  • Pride Month: Celebrating the courage and resilience of the LGBTQ+ community, inspired by leaders like Bayard Rustin, who stood up for equality and justice despite immense challenges.

Our 70th Anniversary

We also celebrate our 70th anniversary as a spiritual center in Sonoma County this month. Imagine the audacity of a small group of people who gathered weekly in a living room on Clark Street to listen to audio recordings of Sunday messages until they could raise enough money to invite a minister to join them. We are grateful for their bold vision and commitment.

As part of our anniversary celebrations, we are creating a time capsule with messages for our future community, some 70 years from now. Please take a moment to pick up a card and send your thoughts to our future community.

Embrace Sacred Audacity

So, what will you do? How will you embrace Sacred Audacity in your life? Join us this Sunday to find inspiration and support on your journey. Let's unite to celebrate, envision, and take bold steps toward a brighter future.

Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday at 9 or 11 AM!

With love and light,

Edwar Viljoen
Senior Minister

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