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Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Embracing the Spirit of Life Within

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Imagine waking up every morning with the unwavering certainty that the day ahead holds all you need, flowing effortlessly into your life. Picture yourself placing full trust in the abundant wellspring of Life as your source of all. How liberating would it be to face each new day this way?  It's worth experimenting with.

This state of mind, dear souls, is your natural birthright. Confidence is woven into the very fabric of your being. It is only when we allow our vision to be clouded that fear and panic find their way into our hearts, robbing us of joy.

Let me remind you of this timeless truth - You live in Life. You are immersed in the same power that birthed the universe. This force seeks to express all the goodness it holds within you. There is no malevolence lurking in the vast expanse of existence; only an infinite desire to grow, express, and evolve.

Once you rekindle your trust in this sacred truth, worries and anxieties diminish like mist in the morning sun. Feelings of inadequacy and dissipate, and your life will undergo a profound transformation.

Application Exercise: To cultivate the spirit of trust and abundance within, start each day with a simple affirmation: "I live in Life, surrounded by its infinite blessings." Take a moment to visualize yourself immersed in a sea of boundless opportunities and unwavering support.

Throughout the day, whenever feelings of worry or fear arise, pause and repeat the affirmation: "I trust in the abundant flow of Life." Feel the sense of peace and assurance that these words bring to your heart.

As you practice this daily exercise, observe how your perspective shifts, and how life unfolds with newfound ease. Trust in Life's benevolence, and watch as doors open to opportunities beyond your wildest dreams.

Embrace the abundance that dwells within you, and let your life be a symphony of trust and peaceful assurance.

With boundless trust in Life's embrace,

Edward Viljoen

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