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Monday, July 5, 2021

What's Evolution Without Love?, with Rev. Jaqueline Edwards, Guest

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Context for Today’s Topic: Without love, Evolution is a spiritual path of apathy, complacency, and lethargy. It is easy to talk the talk about love and more challenging to love our neighbor as ourselves. The evolutionary leap of this radical love calls us to reach out and love another. This is the Be-Loved community in action!

Evolutionary Vision = Statement(s) from the CSL Global Vision related to today’s topic:  We envision a world where personal responsibility joins with social conscience in every area of the political, corporate, academic, and social sectors, providing sustainable structures to further the emerging global consciousness.

We envision a world in which we live and grow as One Global Family that respects and honors the interconnectedness of all life; a world where this kinship with all life prospers and connects through the guidance of spiritual wisdom and experience.

Timeless Wisdom = SOM Principles

Oneness, Freedom, and Love


There is One Infinite Reality. We call it many names, including but not limited to God, Life, Universal Spirit, Infinite Intelligence, First Cause, or The Thing Itself. The One Infinite Reality is undivided, complete, and whole within Itself. This Oneness creates everything out of itself, and therefore includes both the absolute and relative, tangible, and intangible, physical and metaphysical aspects of reality.


Freedom is the birthright of every individual. We are free to choose and create our experience of life.


Love is the self-givingness of Universal Spirit through its desire to express itself in terms of creation. Love is the impulse and Law is the way of creation. 

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