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Friday, November 8, 2019

Coping With the Evacuations, A Spiritual Approach

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Last Sunday, October 27, 2019, was the first Sunday in over 25 years that we have not held Sunday services. I missed being with you. As inconvenient as it was for our community not to be able to gather for our celebration services, I am filled with gratitude for those who are going through much more inconvenience, danger, and hardships so that we can be safe.

To see this week's video on YouTube, click here.

Thank you, firefighters. Thank you, police officers. Thank you, sheriffs. Thank you, volunteers. Thank you, paramedics. Thank you, medical professionals. Thank you, all helpers and volunteers. Thank you, dispatchers. Thank you, those who prayed, and those who took people into their homes.
As we prepared to return to our homes and works on Wednesday after the mandatory evacuation order was lifted, I felt gratitude for the news sources and reporters who have kept our community up to date and helped us understand the selflessness of our first responders with images showing their tirelessness and bravery.

I am thinking also of those who have lost something, whatever it is. I’m thinking of those who were displaced, or who have yet to return to normal. With them in mind, I’m making a goal of being as kind, helpful, and appreciative as I can be today.

Thank you for being here today, part of our Center for Spiritual Living Community. May you be filled with love today.

Edward Viljoen
Senior Minister

Photo by Aidan Bartos on Unsplash

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