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Tuesday, March 5, 2019

There's No God Reason for That!

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Dear Friends,

On page 161 of The Science of Mind, Ernest Holmes writes, “There is nothing in the universal order that denies the individual’s good, or self-expression, so long as such self-expression does not contradict the general good, does not contradict Goodness Itself.”

Oneness is the basis of our entire teaching and the world view of the Centers for Spiritual Living. Oneness, however, is not sameness, but rather a recognition of the shared humanity we have, and our kinship with all life. Affirming oneness is a great place to start, and even better is following up the affirmation with action: actively seeking out the common good. 

Metaphysics does not teach that you and I can get whatever we want whenever we want it. Instead, it shows us to align our effort with Goodness Itself. Goodness is a synonym for Divinity, and as such, it means wholeness and must include good for all.

In our recommended book of the month, Beyond Religion: Ethics for a Whole World, by H.H. Dalai Lama, self-interest and others’ interests are depicted as being closely related because of the fundamental interconnectedness at the heart of all being. Your well-being, then, is my well-being.


Edward Viljoen

Photo by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash

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