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Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Purify Your Motives, Change Your Life, The Way It Works

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Spirituality in Action

It has long been a tradition in Science of Mind communities to dedicate January of each year to going back to basics. 

Think of it as a reset button, a moment to reflect on important ideas of our faith tradition: The Thing Itself, The Way it Works, What it Does, and How to Use it. These four ideas come from the first four chapters of Dr. Ernest Holmes’s book, The Science of Mind and describe our approach to the Divine, its action in our lives, and the specific way we can use our God-given creativity to create peace on this earth for all. 

In our anchor book for 2019, 365 Science of Mind: A Year of Daily Wisdom from Ernest Holmes, these words remind us that the Divine is always active in our affairs. “The key thought for our meditation today is the idea that there is an active Presence of the creative Spirit in all our affairs—not something passive, but something that is moving in and through everything we do.” 

The practical nature of our teaching invites us to take an active approach in life, bringing the spark of the divine that is in us into our world through our thoughts, actions, and words.

Best love,

Edward Viljoen
Author of
Ordinary Goodness, 
The Power of Meditation, 

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

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