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Saturday, October 3, 2009


Share it Please

Andrew roams the neighborhood freely. He comes and goes as he pleases. He has learned how to open the cat door from the inside when it is set on the "do not let the cats out" mode. Champagne is mistyfied still.

Andrew leaves for hours on end and comes back grubby and dusty and murky and hungry. There isn't a place where he can't go. Except William's house. William is allergic to Andrew like Champagne is allergic to mould. So no cats allowed.

I insist that Andrew never goes into William's house. He insists that something is going on. Now there is this photo take by William in his own bathroom making it very, very difficult to support Andrew's innocence.

Notice how beautifully his eyes match the tile.


  1. I have heard that leading Science of Minders is like herding cats. I also notice that Andrew behaves, does what he is told to do, and yes, I agree: he is one gorgeous cat. How could William be allergic to such perfection? xoxoxoLC


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