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Wednesday, February 10, 2021

A Clean Slate

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Have you ever prayed for a do-over, a second chance, a clean slate…only to have it happen and then find yourself confronted with a curious combination of exhilaration and terror? There’s an allure to the blank page, the empty canvas, the open road, and freshly tilled soil. It is the hope and fear inherent in life transitions like parenthood, divorce, career change, moving, losses and successes of all kinds. Sometimes we intentionally seek it; other times the blank slate is thrust upon us, unwelcome and unwanted. Always, the clean slate offers opportunity, as we tap the Source of Creation and Infinite Potentiality.

The CSL vision statement says, “We envision humanity awakening to its spiritual magnificence and discovering the creative power of thought.” To awaken to that spiritual magnificence, we begin by cultivating self-awareness and self-reflection. Consider establishing a routine of examining your beliefs and behaviors to determine whether or not they still serve you. In other words, create a clean slate in your mind. Ask yourself, “Where did this idea originate? Am I living in integrity with my values? Who would I be without this belief, fear or behavior?” As detrimental beliefs are removed from consciousness, there is clarity and space for new possibilities to emerge.

The birth of anything new is generally preceded by pain and messiness. Before we can enjoy the newness of a home remodeling project or the order of a clean closet, we must first contend with destruction and disorder that can temporarily look and feel worse than how we started out. Self-awareness encompasses heart and feeling, as well as mind. Emotions that emerge as the slate is being cleaned can be difficult to experience and manage. Stay with it. Emotions are your inner GPS, letting you know if your thoughts and their subsequent emotions are moving you further from or closer to Source.

Conclusion and Call to Action:

To live from the space of clarity and possibility that encompasses mind, body and heart, we are called to Practice the Presence regularly. We release thoughts of past or future and ground ourselves in the present, experiencing whatever understanding or gift the moment has for us. There are a myriad of ways to Practice the Presence. Core methods such as Spiritual Mind treatment, meditation and mindfulness serve to silence the mind. Give yourself permission to “indulge” in what feeds your soul…sacred service, nature, time with friends, music, creative endeavors, laughter, etc. Finally, honor your body and get plenty of sleep.

To watch Dr. Eward speaking about a clean slate on YouTube, click here.

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