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Monday, December 16, 2019

Winter Solstice, Christ's Mass, and Science of Mind on Jesus

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This month we are celebrating the many ways various spiritual traditions observe the Holy Days. Today we are exploring the Solstice, that day when the night is longest and the day is shortest. Celebrations of solstice are varied and include activities honoring the return of the sun as well as the natural cycles within life, spiritually and physically. This year, Solstice 2019, falls on December 21, very close to our Candle Lighting Ceremony on

To see this week's video on YouTube, click here.

December 24, at 6 and 8 pm when we light candles for personal reasons. You may light your candle in memory of a loved one, to honor the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth, to celebrate a personal rebirth of light, or as an intention for the world.

Solstice reminds me of how everything is reciprocally connected. Dark is connected to light, giving is connected to receiving, and beginnings are connected to endings. Understanding these cycles allows us to be in a dance with the flow of spiritual life rather than working against it. 

In January, I will be teaching a five-week course titled “Circulation: Joining the Dance,” which focuses on five key ideas: Giving, Receiving, Gratitude, Asking, and Forgiving. Check out the article on page two of today’s bulletin for more information about the class. I look forward to your joining me to learn about where and how you can step more fully into the abundant flow of life.

Warm regards,

Edward Viljoen

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