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Monday, May 23, 2016

What is mine to do, with Edward Viljoen, author of Ordinary Goodness

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What is mine to do?  That is a worthy question for all spiritual seekers to consider.  We see a world in which we are called to conscious social action, guided by spiritual wisdom.  And each person is guided to respond to something different.  Each of us is guided to respond to what has heart and meaning, and each of our paths is different.  But when we fail to pay attention to what it is that is calling us into action, the result it that we do not live as powerfully as we might. 
And, what is mine to do will be different to what is yours to do.  For some of us the right thing to do is offer support in prayer, for others, we contribute from our wealth, for others we share our time, for others we become involved in organizations that support human dignity.  For all of us, there is something that wants to be done through us that only we can do.

Dr. Ernest Holmes wrote Humanity’s mind should swing from inspiration to action, from contemplation to accomplishment, from prayer to performance.  This would be a well-balanced existence.  In other words, there is a balance for each of us between action and spiritual practice.
Join me in affirming this week, “I affirm that every action I take, every situation I experience, every word I speak and every thought I have is a reflection of my faith that the Universe is conspiring for my good!.”

Every week I invite you to join me with this process of affirming an idea and posting it on the social media of your choice.  If you have done so, I would love to hear from you about the results.  You can email me at edward@cslsr.org.  I’d love to hear from you.

Don’t forget to tag your affirmation with the tags #TheGlobalVision and #AWorldThatWorksForEveryone

To see the video below on YouTube, click here.

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